Beyond Common Business Secrets

Business Growth: Quantum Healing With Intuitive Human Design Guide Lauren Oberly

Tracey Watts Cirino Season 3 Episode 63

 Join us on this transformative journey and discover the power of intuitive human design and quantum healing with our special guest, Lauren Oberly. She shares her unique blend of intuition and human design techniques that have helped clients heal and grow their businesses. Get ready to learn how to navigate the intricacies of personal and professional growth with Lauren's profound insights.
Connect and work with Lauren.

Are you ready to say goodbye to fear, frustration, and overwhelm when it comes to growing and scaling your business? You’re in the right place. Welcome to  Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast I’m your host, Tracey Watts Cirino

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Tracey Watts Cirino:

Hello, congratulations on being here for Beyond Common Business Secrets. I'm your host, Tracey Watts Cirino, and we have such a treat for you today. As you have been noticing, we have been having some really fun segments that are all about coaching the coaches. We have been so blessed to have a special curated group of people that are business owners that are looking to grow and scale their business to the next level. This is a deep dive behind the scenes into what it looks like to really help people through the different stages of growing their business. I'm so excited about our guest today, Lauren Oberly who has become a dear friend of mine. Lauren is an intuitive human design guide. She is a quantum healer speaker and she's also one of my co-authors in Women Who Dream. Lauren and I became friends instantly from across Zoom. Then, when we met in person, it was like true sisterhood immediately. Lauren, I have been so anticipating you being on the podcast today. I'm so excited you're here. Welcome.

Lauren Oberly:

Thank you so much for having me. I always feel, when you introduce me, I'm like anybody introduced me, like one of my guests on a podcast. I'm like, wow, that actually sounds really good. It does, because you're amazing. It's like I just do what I do and I just do it. It just comes natural, but when you hear about it it's very humbling. I'm like, wow, I really want to meet her if I didn't already know that.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

That's how our listeners feel. I love that because it's like you're so busy doing all the things, that humbling minute to just sit there and receive all the gratitude that I have for you and that I know our listeners are going to have for you, so that's amazing. Let's see what a beautiful way to start. I'm excited, I know. Thank you, yeah. So before we dive into your questions and start digging around behind the scenes of what's working and not working in your business, can you share with our listeners, what is an intuitive human design guide? What is a quantum healer? Please share what these really amazing words actually mean.

Lauren Oberly:

Sure. So an intuitive is just somebody that's just intuitive and has special gifts. They're different for everybody. Then the human design guide is I don't know if any of your listeners have heard about human design, but there's a lot of human design teachers, and human design readers There are just so many different titles and I never really resonated with any of them. So it's like I talk to the universe and I know my purpose here, or my passion was healing or a healer, and I never really resonated with healer, which is where quantum healing comes from, because quantum just means fast and it's different realms. So it's not 3D, it's more 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D other realms and you just work with different energies through the healing. And I love theta, so that's kind of intertwined with theta or quantum healing.

Lauren Oberly:

And a lot of people throw the word quantum around a lot Like there's quantum human design. That's what I was drawn to it originally, and I always tell people that the word quantum just means fast. So and obviously with being humans we want fast results. But it's kind of used negatively, I feel, like in the spiritual space, because it's like how can I get to 10-figure months very quickly? And it's not that quick, right? So I always it's a new year and everybody's like let's get you paid, let's all this stuff. And I don't resonate with any of that because it's not about how quick you can make money, it's about how consistent, right, how you can be consistent and authentic and stay in integrity. And I feel like I hesitated so much to call myself a quantum healer is because of that kind of negative connotation around it. But I was like you know what, I'm just going to do it and it fits and it feels good. So that's kind of like what a quantum healer is.

Lauren Oberly:

And where I got Intuitive Human Design Guide is because I've self taught myself. Now I'm currently now doing certification in quantum human design certification. But I'm very transparent. When I do read charts, I read them intuitively. So, yeah, I have a lot of knowledge about human design, but I'm also channeling from your spirit guides. I'm channeling from whoever is coming through for you, that I'm channeling messages that you need to It is not my system it is human design. Like I will read your chart, I will give you information and tangible tools, to understand human design, but it's not like it's a system that's going to tell you all of the answers. Like you have to do that work right, right like in your

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So I mean just knowing you. You are so intuitive To you know, so I really love that. It's just so in alignment with everything you embody. Yeah, so it's such a great way to allow you to use tools that really help people remove their roadblocks. So I love the work that you're doing with human design. I mean you've taught me so much. I mean I just barely have scratched the surface, but it has helped me a ton.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

As somebody that's dedicated, I feel like I've been on a healing journey since I was 16. I remember my mom being weirded out that I was reading a psychology book from college at 16. She's like you just decided last week that you would actually read, and then I didn't read books before that. And then she's like I'm so confused, but I was always seeking healing, and so this has been amazing to get to know you and you've taught me so much about human design. And And it just has taken so many of the ways that I work with my clients to the next level, so I'm so excited that you're here that we can really dive into that. Yeah, so it's like one of these things. This is, a question that comes up. So you are intuitive when it comes to other people, right? So what happens when it comes to applying this to your business? What happens for you?

Lauren Oberly:

That's a very loaded question.

Lauren Oberly:

The first thing that pops in my mind is resistance.

Lauren Oberly:

I feel like it's easier for me to and I know I talk a lot about resistance, like us needing resistance but I feel like it's easier for me to help guide somebody else, I should say in their blocks, because I feel like probably mine's coming from maybe a shadow place or you know.

Lauren Oberly:

I know we talked about this, you know, previously, but just from not realizing that my own, mentors, like my own mentors, didn't have my best and highest good, so it's having those kind of resistant roadblocks that I kind of I knew about but I just wanted to ignore that kind of kept me stuck. So I feel like, you know, just listening and find, like you know, following my own guidance, you know, through my own strategy and authority, would you know, making sure my I'm an emotional. For anybody who doesn't know human design, my emotional or my inner authority, for my intuition is emotions. So it's like making sure that I'm emotionally balanced when I'm making decisions and not making a decision when I'm not emotionally balanced, you know, and waiting for that emotional clarity, I should say that comes through and I don't feel like I always do that and I think that that is where my resistance would come from with doing this like for my own business.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Like waiting to earn that neutral to make yeah, oh it's going to be amazing or oh, it's going to be the worst.

Lauren Oberly:

Yes, and then it's just like I will resist it so much that I would do everything, and you know it's like hitting. I would rather hit my head on my brick wall like constantly, than just to change Like. It's just that, it's. It's that powerful I feel like.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

And I think that in lots of business, in lots of business owners that I have coached and mentored, that is a very common thing, whether they're aware of the language. Like you, have a very clear language around everything you know about human design. Yeah, so you bring an incredible level of awareness that 85% of the planet does not have.

Lauren Oberly:


Tracey Watts Cirino:

Right. And so the other thing of like, other people that I talked to all the time are like oh, there's something's not right, like I keep like, they'll say stuff like I keep messing up or I keep making the same mistake, I'm repeating a pattern you know, so like, but they still have not arrived at like okay, I need to step back.

Lauren Oberly:


Tracey Watts Cirino:

Come at it with a different sense of clarity before making another decision that leads us whoop to that loop-de-loop Right and so I think that's a really important thing.

Lauren Oberly:

Yeah, I always say it's like human design is a different perspective, I guess you could say and the way that you can look at it from this perspective, you take yourself out of it and it's like you're looking at it from a different perspective, you're looking at it from the lens of human design, and then it's easier for whatever reason that is, it's easier for you to accept it and then allow it to happen and then move on, because that's all it really is. If we don't accept ourselves or wherever we are, there's no acceptance or understanding. You can't integrate any of that stuff until you accept it. And I don't care if I tried always I've tried. You know it's called spiritual bypassing. I tried going around it, trying to go like. You have to go through it. There's no other way to do it. You got to go through it, you got to figure it out, and then you know you'll, you know, come out on the other side regardless. Yeah, save yourself a lot of time.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I would say that, that has been one of the one of the best things for me in learning human design was being that I'm a manifestor and my not self- is anger that I used to be like, you know, always sort of shaming myself, beating myself up for anger. When now I just breathe into it and say, okay, I'm angry, let's process the anger and move on because this anger is guiding you for a reason. Right, and it's so much better, it's like it's so funny, it's like there was a time that I remember always being like that naturally when I was younger, that I could go from crying to anger in like 60 seconds or less like a baby, and to be back there again as an adult is really freeing.

Lauren Oberly:


Tracey Watts Cirino:


Lauren Oberly:

It's like that emotional regulation for your nervous system. So it's like breathing is the best. Like you know, I always say, like we just talked about before we got on the call about this shamanic journey and light codes and all that stuff. It's just like I also want to breathwork a facilitator because it's something that I personally, know, I think differently of certifications, but I feel , in order to be in integrity and stuff, I should probably be, certified if I'm doing breath work, because it's really important. But I breathwork do . You know, just I just teach people through meditation for breath work. So it's not something that I always kind of was like, oh, I need to go do that, but it's starting to come up more and more and more because that's what I currently do for myself and my clients. So it's like, you know, I probably should go get certified in that too.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

It's becoming more of just like an add on that you do in your full toolbox. Okay, so is that what you want ? Is that what you want to dig into today when it comes to your business, or what would you like to dig into?

Lauren Oberly:

I would like to dig into how I can do less work being a projector and attract the same clients that are for me, like I don't want to say quicker because that's not really like a thing, but just attract them consistently. I should say.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So let, for the sake of clarity, I'm going to repeat back what I heard. Okay, so let me know if I've got it. Okay, so, yeah, you want to do less work and you want to earn more or less? So it's like you want to work less hours but better quality clients. Do you want to say a little bit for me? So which, which one are you wanting? Like higher paying clients? Do you want to make the same you are now with less work? Just saying like how they're two different.

Lauren Oberly:

Yeah, so I want to do less. So let me clarify that. So sorry, I wanted to work less and attract, more high-ticket clients.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Okay, so you would like to have more high ticket clients, so that, you can work less. Yes, okay, yeah, so what have you tried so far? Tried anything yet? Like what? What have you tried so far?

Lauren Oberly:

And like just strategy or like what I've been working on.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, so often, we have this vision in our mind, so just kind of walk me through, your vision and what you've tried so far. It's just how my intuition works. Then I can start working.

Lauren Oberly:

What I've actually started working on is getting clear on. For one, when I thought about I wanted these clients and I wanted all this stuff, but I didn't have a clear system, so I created Clear System. Obviously that's human design. I also was really clear about my avatar, like who I'm talking. To niche down my content, to be more direct, instead of pointing out pain points, I started pointing out the outcomes and results, just being very clear about what I do, like what my activities.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Okay, you said some amazing things there. You already have done the work of getting clear on what your systems are, so you have your framework and how you. That is so important so that you can scale. People don't realize that when they're solo entrepreneurs. So kudos and congrats on doing that, because that is huge right? It's like if we do something more than once, there should be a system, and I love that you've done that work. Then you said that you have spent time getting clear on what your client like your dream client looks like, your avatar, so you share with us who that is.

Lauren Oberly:

I mean the simplest way. It's me, and it's me and a past version of myself. So I mean it could be me and a future version of myself too, but somebody that is willing to do the work, is willing to heal, is willing to understand themselves more, so, obviously, is willing to learn human design and how they can implement it. So if it's like, if you're somebody listening that says that you can't meditate, that's you lying to yourself, that's you need to learn. Obviously you need to practice it and you need to just intentionally start it. Do something five minutes, three minutes, whatever it is, because all of us here I believe all of us here, regardless of whoever you are or whatever your chart looks like or whatever you do right now, currently, in this day, we all are intuitive. It's just if you don't use your psychic abilities, then you don't need them. So it's like, why would you?

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Muscles. You don't use it, you lose it, Right.

Lauren Oberly:

Yeah, so that's usually somebody that obviously loves astrology, likes human design, or even is just willing to learn or just willing to be curious or ask questions like those. Why questions of the unknown questions that if you were a kid you probably ask why is this sky blue, or why is that that way, or whatever? You just be curious to figure out. There's a deeper reason why you're asking.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So your ideal client is somebody that has probably done some work already and is looking for deeper answers. Right? Or maybe they're. If we're going to the idea that they were like you or me 10 years ago, right, it's like okay, something's wrong. I need help. I have no flipping idea what I need, but, oh, that sounds like what I need. I need Lauren. Is that for me okay? So, yeah. So you are to that stage of your business, like trajectory and your growth, that you're looking for a more savvy. I'm saying you're looking for somebody that probably has had some success in their life, but maybe is , like okay, but now I'm stuck. Yeah, this, I need healing, I need help to get to the next level. That's kind of what I'm getting. Is it my thing on that? Okay, so what? So it's like do you have it mapped out ? Like, this is how much time I want to work, and then I'm only going to allow my work with clients to take up this container, like, have you mapped all that out yet?

Lauren Oberly:

my head yeah.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Okay, so what is keeping you from putting it on paper?

Lauren Oberly:

Nothing, you just gave me an idea to actually write it down. It was I never thought to actually write it down. I just know intuitively that I only work this much a day. This is how much I do with clients. Or if it's something that I like my healing sessions I just accept them whenever normally they are scheduled. But I usually accept them whenever because normally the healing works for both me and the person. So I'm always open to healing. So that's not really like I don't ever consider that to be. I don't know all the things that I do in my business besides administrative stuff. I always look at it like I enjoy to do it. I could do it all day long.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, well, that is the downside of loving what we do. I love what I do and I could work all day and not eat or go to the other room and then I could do it all day long. So the other day my husband Anthony said, thank God we had kids or you would be dead in your office or something I know, but he's like, but you'd be smiling, so that is funny to me. But setting the parameters around it, like the containers, have been such a blessing. Yeah, I'm wondering if you got really clear on. these are the hours I can dedicate maybe a little more hours to healing, if that's something that you're comfortable doing more of. But these high ticket clients, this is going to be the best way to look at this is who have you already worked with that's ready to go to the next level? So it's like oftentimes it's going back for your Rolodex of people that are already in your network and either asking them are they ready to go to the next level? Or who they know who's ready to go to the next level Because they've already worked with you. They know what you can provide.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

That's usually the easiest way to get a cash infusion in your business and we sometimes feel like and I'm not trying to put words in everyone's mouth, but I'm just for the collective. This is what I hear all the time, and I've been guilty of this myself is that we sometimes feel like, oh, we've already worked with them, so that, like that would be weird too. But I'm telling you, it's like asking those who have already stood up to say, hey, I want to work with you If they're ready to go to the next level, or if they k,now you know, hey, these are the changes I've made in my business. I'm this this hire ticket type of work. Explain, obviously, the results and the benefits. Who do you know? They're usually the most happy to help you spread the word. So have you tried that yet?

Lauren Oberly:

No, but that's an idea.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

OK, because that's usually the quickest,

Tracey Watts Cirino:

If we're talking about Quantum, right, like that's a quick way, yeah, and it's so funny because it's almost too easy. So we just kind of skip over it and think, oh, we have to go hard with the marketing. So I would say, try there first, that would be my first thing. And then, if you write this out exactly how many clients do you need, at what cost, to have it, be this like sort of growth, like a stretch growth in your business, and then what's your above that, what's your like big leap, right, and you want to be playing within that. Because oftentimes when we are trying to grow on scale and I work with a lot of service providers and service providers are healers, they're heart-centered we're business owners, and so we kind of get into this space about, oh, but I would do it for free because I like it, but the facts are, if we're not profitable, we just have an expensive hobby, right. So I like to put it in this context we are performing at our highest vibration and doing the best work possible when we are energetically and financially compensated Right. So oftentimes we'll be, we'll allow ourselves to get worn out and beat down by giving too much Right Because we like the thing and run the numbers and you're almost have to run them where it's higher than you think because you're going to add in stuff, there's going to be some, you know there might be a. Oh well, this person needed an extra right and then they didn't pay for it.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

And then oftentimes, then one of the things I'll say is OK, go back through all the work that you're already doing right now and see who has been getting way more. They're getting more service than they're paying for Right. That's another way that most service providers, until they look at it through this lens, are. It's like a bleeding hole of money in their business. So look where you're already giving more value and doing sort of the next layer of service, but they're paying less. And start educating them on what they're getting.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Ok, so, because it's really hard when we, when we've done this, it's really hard to then say, oh well, now it's five hundred dollars, they're like wait, I was paying 75. Like that's a huge job, yeah. However, however, if you say, hey, this is what I'm doing. Do you know anyone Like? So you can kind of start saying this is the direction of my business, you've been getting this for this and just kind of start planting the seed. Now there might be a time where it has to shift. You might not even be doing that service anymore and that's going to help you work less so you can earn more. This is the hard part, though. This is where it's really fun to make sure we are kind of helping young female entrepreneurs behind us, because when people don't want to come with you, you can refer them to somebody else that's operating at the price point you used to be at. Right, you can create space for more.

Lauren Oberly:

Yeah, that's true, yeah like so

Tracey Watts Cirino:

People are always saying you're so awesome, thank you for giving me that client. Why not, right? And what am I going to? They've been so kind to invest in me and allow me to be part of their experience in any way that I've served them, and I'm going to leave them hanging Like I always refer to somebody else, because there are people that aren't going to go on the journey with you and it's OK to bless and release them.

Lauren Oberly:

Right, yeah, I love that. Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to do that.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, and I would just really be completely authentically yourself, which you always are. Then what was coming up for was to go in groups, events, live, social, anything where you are noticing that. What gets people to say how can I work with you? You have this amazing magnetic ability where and maybe it's because you're a projector, you know, a projector needs the invitation. So if you can get people to say, hey, how can I work with you? Pay attention to those rooms. If you're in a room at a networking event, you're at a female retreat, a conference, a yoga studio, whatever, or a social or a social you know group, when are people saying, hey, how can I work with you and spend more time there? Because the way that, if you're really working with your design, you saying the powerful words of what you do, is gonna have people say, oh my God, how do I work with you? And when you hear that that's where you wanna be more, you just wanna show up more in those spaces and charge what you're worth.

Lauren Oberly:

Yeah, yeah, I love that. I was gonna say , I'm going to that event on Sunday with Kate. Oh, you haven't had that. Oh, good, there's a fun news. I was gonna say I wish you. I was gonna say I wish you lived closer.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Oh fun, is it in Jersey? Or is it in Delaware? Yeah, jersey, oh see. So this is face to face. So this is a really perfect way for you. I was gonna say she must.

Lauren Oberly:

I was. I didn't know. I wasn't sure if you knew or not that I was going and I was like you know when Kate invited me she was like I want you to meet these people. You know all that stuff. So and I'm like okay and it's more of like it's like a retreat kind of. It's not like a event that you're sitting there, you know, all day.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

it's like there we are, which is hard, yeah. So this will be a good place for you to test that. Just be yourself, you know, and make conversation. You're just so friendly. I feel like you always get everybody talking. So be the amazing Lauren that you are.

Lauren Oberly:

It's funny that you say that because I'm definitely not an extrovert, I'm an introvert. I feel like you are, though, but I do. But I, I have a good way of like connecting people. It's like, you know, having people talk, cause if it's like I can't be in a room when nobody's talking, I'll be the first one to talk and then have everybody talk, or I'll make some weird funny joke and like people would just like start talking cause.

Lauren Oberly:

I uncomfortable for me to not like me. If we're all in a room and nobody's talking, it's getting uncomfortable.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, like you have. Okay.

Lauren Oberly:

So this is like violence is too much for you Like, yeah, I'm like, oh God, please somebody to say something. And then it's like say this, and I'm like okay, I'll say this, and then, like everybody starts laughing.

Tracey Watts Cirino:


Lauren Oberly:

Cause I think everybody's probably thinking the same thing. I'm thinking this is awkward. You know we have to. Just I feel like I have a good. I have a good. It's like I have a superpower of like connecting people or like having people talk or feel comfortable. I should say, but it's because I have to watch that too, because I can see people deeply and I can make people uncomfortable.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So Well, and so that's the thing. So be be careful and don't give your advice. Your don't give it away to people don't invite you.

Lauren Oberly:

I don't even know what you can do with your like. That's like falling apart right now. I can tell you yeah.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So just like be mindful. Just be mindful of that. I think I've told you this before my son's a projector too, so I have to work with him on the same thing. He just always sees what people need and he's little, he wants to just tell you. And adults don't get this, that are not as aware as he is, and it's a thing all the time and I'm like wait till you're invited and it's the same thing. But with your business, I would really say that all of this sort of magical key for you of scaling to the next level people that are willing to pay for a higher level service because of what you provide is gonna come from how can I work with you?

Lauren Oberly:


Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, yeah. So, even if it's what you're doing now, on your socials, keep doing all of that, keep collaborating but I would really pay attention to where that happens, where do people say that? And then you work with people that you love and then, once you have a few, you know, I would say anywhere from a half a dozen to a dozen of those types of clients that you really really love working with, then you can start like really target marketing, because you'll have a really clear sort of buying habit, what they need, what you know, what they're going through and all of this will become much clearer for you.

Lauren Oberly:


Tracey Watts Cirino:

Is that helpful?

Lauren Oberly:

Yes, that is very helpful. It's all in the things that I needed to hear.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, because I mean it's like all the things, you can do specialty things with your human design that attracts people and collaboration, so you can do all that. And I would say, continue to do it, but really, really listen, for how can I work with you? Okay, yeah, do that.

Lauren Oberly:

Thank you. Yeah, I honestly say I can probably, I probably couldn't think about all the times that people say that and I always think of, well, what the hell did I say for them to say that? And sometimes it's just something is pulling them towards me and they don't really know.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Oh, okay, so, yeah, so that's an interesting thing because I have gone through phases of time where I'm like, oh my God, I said that. I'll have clients find me 10 years later and I'm like, what did I say that you remember? And It's like so funny. I'm 10 years, think of all the cool stuff we could have done. Like why'd you wait so long? And they'll tell me, oh, because you said this on stage.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I'm like I always want to know what I said, because I clearly don't remember. It was just nonsense words to me. But the more that you ask people so what did I say that made you know you wanted to work with me, that you would ask when you could ask that question when you're onboarding your new clients, I think that's really helpful. And then the other thing about going with high ticket in my experience I don't speak for everyone, but in my experience and 99% of my clients, higher ticket clients actually need less handholding. It's really amazing Good.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So I would get really clear about what your service offerings are at the higher level and you may have to like get rid of stuff that is not. You know what I'm saying Like it's kind of taking up time. I know that this is just always an easy one. I left the salon industry, obviously, but this is just an easy one for people to understand. Like do not market for kids cuts when you want to full-on balayage and extensions, right, people understand the difference in those costs, so don't be advertising yourself for this low ticket you know what I mean Thing when you're really wanting people that are ready to invest in themselves.

Lauren Oberly:


Tracey Watts Cirino:

And get results right. So you know, it's always a funny thing. I'm like this makes no sense. You're so busy that you need to get rid of clients. The best way to get rid of some of them is to raise your prices. Right Is to raise your prices, but we get stuck to it because we love them, and that's where creating that sort of pipeline of having other people that you can refer them to is a beautiful thing, cause then it creates space for you to grow, attract who you know like. We grow in our business and we're constantly evolving, and when we embody that, we start attracting the next level.

Lauren Oberly:

Right, yeah, yeah, and that makes a lot of sense, yeah.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So what would you, what do you think you're going to do first? What action are you going to take?

Lauren Oberly:

First I'm going to write down. I'm going to take the advice and write down pretty much my full schedule. So it's like write down how much I want to work, how much I want like to what I want to do with clients, and then I'm going to, like you just said, get very clear on, you know, my high ticket offer before. And it's written in alignment too, cause I'm actually working on my website again, so that will be good. I could put all that information on my website.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

That's exciting. So, Lauren, if any of our listeners because I'm sure there's going to be a lot wanting to touch with you how can they get in touch with you?

Lauren Oberly:

Social media or, my website's not up yet, but the best way to get in hold of me would be on Facebook Messenger. Any type of mess TikTok, it could be on. Yeah message on.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I'll make sure we include all of your, information in the show notes. Do you have any other questions? Did anything come up for you that you're like? Okay, now I have another question.

Lauren Oberly:

No, not that I can think of.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So was this helpful for you?

Lauren Oberly:

It was very helpful. It's everything I needed. I'll say everything I needed to the next steps in what I need to do.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Well, we are really excited to be on this journey with you.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So, please, reach out, update us on what, what's working, cause I would love to be able to share that with our audience of like, okay, lauren took this action and this is what happened.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So, write out all of that's, all the stuff that we talked about, so that we, you, can start tracking and measuring and then share the results with us, cause that will be really fun to update people, yeah, yeah. So thank you so much. Just want to say thank you so much for being here, and a lot of the things you can see that we discussed are little areas that you probably want to take a look at in your own business, and we would love to know which of these new ideas, strategy, that you're going to try. You can reach out to Tracey at Cirrino Watts Serino, on Instagram, facebook, anywhere I'm everywhere, like Lauren, I'm at everywhere and let me know what action you're going to take. Or you can comment right below in the comments, where you are watching this podcast episode, and let us know what you're going to work on. Take care, have the most beyond amazing kind of day and we will see you on the next one.