Beyond Common Business Secrets

How to Attract More Ideal Clients Using Magnetic Marketing

Tracey Watts Cirino Season 3 Episode 51

Ever wondered how to make your brand irresistibly attractive to your dream clients? Join us as your host Tracey Watts Cirino, and special guest  Lauren Oberly from the Enlightened Misfits Podcast reveal the potent strategy of magnetic marketing that's transforming the way entrepreneurs connect with their audiences. In this heart-to-heart exchange, we dive into the art of creating messages that echo the inner dialogue of your ideal clients and show you how to make your brand shine in the very competitive market.

This episode isn't just about business; it's a deep dive into a strategy that aligns with your core values and authenticity. Discover how astrology and human design can shape a business strategy that feels both genuine and engaging. We tackle the real talk of lead generation, avoiding burnout, and the challenges that come with scaling, providing you with the insights to grow your business with integrity and intention. Lauren Oberly joins us with her expertise, enriching the conversation with her unique perspective on leveraging your authentic self in business.
To connect with Lauren

Are you ready to say goodbye to fear, frustration, and overwhelm when it comes to growing and scaling your business? You’re in the right place. Welcome to  Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast I’m your host, Tracey Watts Cirino

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Tracey Watts Cirino:

Hello, it's Tracey Watts Cirino here and I just wanted to pop on and introduce this special podcast. So this is a podcast collaboration with my dear friend, Lauren Oberly, who interviewed me for her podcast last week, and we have partnered up to do a collaboration on magnetic marketing. So this is all about what you need to know about magnetically attracting more of your ideal clients to you this. I had so much fun doing this podcast with Lauren and I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it for you. Stay tuned.

Lauren Oberly :

Hi, welcome back guys. So I know that you guys are super excited because you're like what's Friday? Lauren, we have a super exciting guest here. This is Tracy. We're going to talk all about today's episode. We're going to talk all about the new program that we are creating, magnetic marketing, and it's all about messaging.

Lauren Oberly :

So if you're wondering what the hell this is you, and if you're wondering where you're going to start, you could potentially be trying to grow your business, trying to start a business, trying to find your ideal clients, maybe start a your brand story, maybe you're just starting out, maybe you are not a coach yet, or you could be a seasoned entrepreneur and just maybe your offers are not selling. So we have two potential audiences that we can speak to. So it could be you know you have an offer already and you're willing, you're ready to sell it and just don't know how to, or you don't have an offer. So I'm super excited to kind of dive deeper into this conversation. But, tracy, hi, hi, lauren, how are you Good? How are you? Thank you for joining me. I'm so excited to be here.

Lauren Oberly :

Yes, I think what did we do before we started recording? It was like this week was it, was it last weekend. I was like we should do a podcast about this new program.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I think it was like and I think that's fun with the energy of it, because it has been so exciting and so much fun to create this with you Because so much like the way this came about was so many of my clients and Lauren's clients were coming to us saying like, how do you come up with that stuff? And we really started asking each other questions like, well, how do you do it? Well, how do you do it? And pulling back the layers, and so much of it is intuitive. But over the past I would say eight months I've really, really, really been paying attention to how content is crafted and when working with clients and doing it on our own, and Lauren and I really have just a very unique way of magnetically drawing people into our world. So I'm really excited about pairing up with you and teaching this. I think it's going to be really fun.

Lauren Oberly :

Yes, yeah, I was going to say that magnetic piece when we were trying to decide on like the, I was like it has to have magnetic because I feel like, according to our human designs, right yes Program, some of this program has a lot of human design in it, but it's not. It's more of Tracey being a business strategist. You know it's more about like the intention. You know I always, when I first first started, I always, you know, kind of just tailored my own like business to be like more spiritual. So you know, mine is like the woo stuff, like rituals for success and you know, intentions for like, like some of the bonuses. I don't want to give all of it away, but some of the bonuses will be like how to actually tap into your intuition every day and ask yourself, like you know, how, what do, what does the world need? Or like, what does my audience need to?

Lauren Oberly :

And this could be, like you know, making content too Like, because I think a lot of times, like when I talk to different, like you know, people in my network, or like clients, they think content and copy is the same thing and it's like I thought this too like, why is content different than copy and it's like, basically, it goes back down to like the beliefs right of like what their story is, or it's like nobody knows my story. This is why I'm making content and you don't really know who you're talking about and I feel like a lot of this really loudness in the you know like in the niches. Now it's like you have to have a niche and it's like I don't really resonate with any of that. So it's like you just have to know how who you're speaking to and you can't speak to everybody, right?

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So yeah, I think that. I think that's like the biggest. The biggest thing is um, so many people will tell you oh well, just build it, they will come. And they will if they know you're talking to them. It's the equivalent of standing on a runway where planes are coming in and out and taking those. I should know the name of them. You know my husband would be mad at me.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

But the little things that have the strobe lights on them when you're air traffic control, like Hello, hello, we're right here, you are those kind of light up the sky. Instead of getting lost in the sea of like someone just waving their hand, you want it to be where they light up the sky. And that's the thing of when, when you're really talking, the language that someone needs to hear. And for me, the biggest learning curve to transitioning how I write copy so that people actually know what I was talking about and want to buy something for me was tapping into the conversations that were already going on in their head, and sometimes it's a lot of painful stuff that I had to grow through. And the more I talk about that and teach my clients how to put that in their brand message story, it sort of clears all of that out of the way, that all of a sudden you can see it through like bright light in the sky. It just clears everything up.

Lauren Oberly :

Right, I was going to say I, I like to call it my magical CTA, which, if nobody, if you don't know what CTA is, it's just a All to action?

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, call it.

Lauren Oberly :

I didn't know when I started out either.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I'm like people are always saying the CTA thing. Right, I think I probably do that when I first.

Lauren Oberly :

yeah, I was like I made my own magical CTA formula, because what I've noticed and I still know it's a lot of people do is they talk about all the pain points.

Lauren Oberly :

So it's like that fish, that that, like that clickbait. I don't resonate with that and I'm like, why don't I do like, what? Like, if you want this outcome, this outcome, this outcome, then you have to do this action step versus. Are you, this person that has anxiety, is over it, like you know, overwhelmed in, and it's just like well, yeah, you just called me out, I don't want to buy from you. Like you know, I mean, it's a very different energy I've noticed I, because I've done both ways, like I've worked with mentors that are like, no, you have to call out their pain points. I'm like this doesn't resonate, but I'll try it because you know, you don't know if it's gonna work until you try it. Or cold messaging, or, like you know, of course, the strategy of like selling in the DM's and all that stuff, like that's really cringy to me, like it really gives me that Feeling.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I well, I know it's not an alignment for me long before my dear friend Lauren here taught me that Official stuff about human design. I know it was not an alignment with my energy, because when I get those DM's I Angry. I'm like, oh, that's my attitude. So I personally would never, ever want to be on the other end of that, like I would not be the one that's gonna DM you Because I am not gonna want someone to go oh, like, that is not, it was a resume with me at all.

Lauren Oberly :

Yes, yeah.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Just in case anyone want to know. So far the opposite. We are not teaching you any of that, I'm telling you, we are not.

Lauren Oberly :

I was gonna say, yeah, we are not To go send 20 of your friends and family messages. They're not gonna buy from you, so just stop asking them to. Yeah, I don't know where I ended up, actually the VAs and all these people trying to sell me stuff like their marketing stuff, and I was like, oh, where did I end up on it? Like I ended up on the wrong.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

But, but that is still like my reaction, and now I know that being a manifest or that that's normal, like I'm like, oh, so something is not in alignment with me. I'm like angry instantly. So that tells me more than More than clear before, but that that's just not the way to do it. It's much better when you're speaking from your heart, and I always will tell people that there's a ton of business growth strategist out in the world tons of us and I'm only for you. If you are somebody that wants to make an impact like if you're just in it for the money, I'm not for you.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

If you're somebody that wants to make an impact and lead your business with your heart and make your Business work for your lifestyle Instead of you like hustling and working for it Then then I'm the person for you, and that is one of the main reasons that you and I connect in in our, the way that our approach to business is so very in alignment, because we're always seeking that true harmony, and that's why I'm really excited to birth this magnetic marketing Work like the masterclass and then the program out into the world, because I think so many people are Hearing these weird strategies and thinking, oh, I've tried everything else, so I'm just gonna do that and not taking that moment to, to be in alignment with what really like if it, if you're having a negative reaction to it in your body.

Lauren Oberly :

Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I tell people, a lot of people are, you know, of course, people that follow me out, that know me. You know, they know that I like astrology and and human design and I it's really powerful for me because that's all I go off of. So it's like you know, I look at your birth chart or look at your human design chart and you have a specific. It's actually really funny Not to interrupt this thought, but it's actually really funny when I talk to these people, like I will actually engage with some people to see where their mindset is when they're trying to sell me something. Or they're asking me like what strategy I use and I'll start using things of like I use the ad page strategy. It's where I'm supposed to all this stuff with. You know a, a strategy and like live launch to evergreen and all that stuff. And then they're just like oh well, I have this amazing lead generator pretty much robot. I guess that could get you all these leads and I'm like Okay, so tell me more about that. And it's like they can't tell me. They're just trying to sell me this model that I'm like I would love to teach you actually. So there actually is a couple of people that I had got interested in it because some of them aren't really robots, some of them are VA's that really want to help other people.

Lauren Oberly :

So it's interesting, like when you open that conversation. So if you're somebody that's getting these messages that are trying to sell different things to you, you know, I kind of ask them if you want to. I don't like to respond a lot, normally I don't respond, but you know, ask them, you know, like, where their framework is, or like you hear strategy and when I first started I'm like strategy, what does that mean? It's like, oh, I need a system and then I need a strategy. So like I already have a system and I already know my strategy. So it's nice, once you know your own strategy, it's so much easier to kind of put you know sales content or make content or copy or know the you know niche or the people that you're talking to, because that's really messaging is literally everybody's. You know downfall same thing with marketing.

Lauren Oberly :

So I feel like everybody has some type of now program that they're making about messaging and strategy and marketing, which is interesting, but I feel like ours is much. I don't. Nobody has this teaching it the way of like that we're gonna be teaching it.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, I think that it is a very unique way to look at it and what is truly working right now, because messaging and marketing this is not something in your business that is ever set it and forget it. It's much like building a muscle, like you have to live, like you can't say, oh, I'm gonna lift weights for two weeks and now I'm buff and I'm leaving it alone. So marketing and messaging it's like this condition. You know you have to like build up your endurance, get some conditioning around it that your muscle is gonna stay firm and flexible, right. So the thing is that the way that we're teaching this is gonna allow somebody just starting out to build the foundation of strength for their muscle, of marketing and magnetic.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I didn't even know you're going in this direction, but the analogy works.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

And then somebody that's maybe done really well in the past but like has set it on the back burner for a minute, you can come in to our program and pick it up because you have some of those pieces and we're just gonna help you get to the next level by really tapping into your own inner authority and using our different strategies to really magnify the right clients towards you, because there is nothing worse, in my opinion, than struggling to grow your business and deciding to accept everybody, because when you start working with clients that kind of are, it's not that they're bad people, it's not that the people are bad, they're just out of alignment for you.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

When you're not in the same harmony, it really really can zap your confidence and it's one of the main reasons that people close their businesses. In the beginning it's because they started working with accepting everybody and then they were for no one and then all of a sudden it just lost in translation. So the fact that we can really help people that are on the journey of just getting started developing this or need to go the next level, I'm really excited about just the reach that we'll have.

Lauren Oberly :

Yes, yeah, I was gonna say because a lot of people there's a couple of questions actually that a couple of my clients had asked, like which I'll just answer them on the podcast today. They asked one was why have an offer? And it sells sometimes? But and I'm not gonna, I'm probably not gonna say exactly what she asked, but I'm gonna just paraphrase what she said. She said but I need it to be more of like a scalable sale or like offer. And I said to her well, for one, that's like you know, I guess, without getting too involved in, like you know, the backend stuff. I'm like so do you know who you're speaking to? And you know she said no and I was like okay, so you're just kind of like putting it out there, because I noticed that a lot of you know the coaching world is really loud right now and a lot of people are just trying to sell these programs or this new, what is it that master resell rights. You know, like they're just programs that they're just reselling that somebody else created and then they can just resell them. So they're not really like helping teach, you know them, they're just reselling them and then you just have to do it yourself Most times, like 90% of the time, when I bought those programs or I've done those programs, I never even did it, like I paid all that money and never even did it.

Lauren Oberly :

So I always tell people don't waste your money on that unless they're gonna really walk you through and help you. Now there's a couple of people that I know that do sell that master resell program and they actually help you like you get you know one-on-one sessions with them and they help kind of build that. But it's a lot of sales-y stuff and if you don't even know what you know a CTA is, for instance, or you don't even know what content is, or you don't even know what copy is and what the difference is, how are you gonna, you know, have a clear outcome? So when I had asked you know my client's question, I said what is your outcome? What do you want people to feel? See, you know kind of what do you want them to hear after you they buy your program?

Lauren Oberly :

And it was just like she didn't know. So it was like you know you have to be. I really think you have to be very clear on one thing of like what's your intention? Is your intention to sell to six million people, or is your intention to sell to a hundred people that then could like redo that to more people? You know what I mean. I think intention, especially throughout this whole program, intention and you know the rituals that you will like, you know that will teach you is what is going to make these systems like stay in place.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I think you brought up two really interesting things that, when it comes to rituals, like we all have to have our what I call it, like your success ritual in the morning or something that you do, and when that's not working anymore because it doesn't work forever, like it's the same thing, same thing as like, okay, this work, but it's only gonna get you to hear. And now, to get from here to here, you have to fine tune your ritual and do something different. But I remember when we first started digging in and talking about this stuff, that you had thought, because I had spent so much of my life and business really speaking about all the interactive stuff that comes with really growing a business from the inside out, that you didn't know any of my woo type of things that I do with clients behind the scenes. And that's the thing it's like. We have to be knowledgeable about our systems, our strategy, like we need to know our data right, because the data is there to help you grow, not to hurt you, right?

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So we have to like kind of I always call it separating who you are from what you're doing, in the sense that this is where this is something I can control. I can control that and I'm just gonna say this hypothetically I can control that I would post 30 days in a row something. Okay, I can control that. I cannot control that 3,000 people are gonna sign up for my next program by my book. I can't control that number. I can control what would make it utterly impossible for me not to hit that number, to say like, that's kind of like. The other side of this is where your rituals need to support what makes you feel in alignment and the parts that you can control, so that then the universe can do its job to bring everything else to you.

Lauren Oberly :

Right, yeah, I think a lot of times is. It's very like with the messaging and the marketing aspect. When I asked the simple question of like cause, that was the first place that I started was like what is my intention? And I call it, just like you do, ritual for success, and then I visualize it. Obviously, my, I use more of like the woo part of my business. I've always had like more spiritual than more logical, but I still have obviously logical parts of my business. Right, like it goes together. So when I knew exactly how many clients I wanted to send like you know, sign up, exactly how much I wanted to make Exactly, I knew exactly emotionally cause it comes down to do. I really believe this. Like it came down to how, what did I want to create and how did I want it to feel.

Lauren Oberly :

And I've noticed that a lot of people that I've talked to and still talk to they don't know that and that's and I'm gonna tell people. When I talk to people I'm like, well, that's the first step, like that's just like day one. You need to figure out how to you know? Do you need more? You know healing around money or do you need more? You know deep shadow work. You know cause it all comes together and I don't think people realize that. They think they can just make money and sell to people. But it's more of like a spiritual like. It's more, it's deeper than that. It's more mind, body and spirit. I feel like to be successful.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Absolutely. One of the things I will say all the time is that you know, starting a business, growing a business, is going to teach you the most about your spiritual self. That's why I think it was Tony Robbins that I heard this from first, but it's so in alignment and I just feel it. A thousand percent is that. But business is a spiritual game. So you cannot, you cannot lie to yourself, you can't like chase after something without doing the inner work, cause it will eventually reveal itself. That's why we would have clients that come and say, oh, I've been going live every week for three years. How much has your email list grown? Well, I don't even have one, okay. Well, what was your intention? Was going live every you see what I'm saying.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Yeah, well, I do it inside a Facebook group, oh great, Okay, so how many people have are now in your Facebook group because you're being going live? I only have a hundred. Well, have you ever asked anyone to come into your Facebook group? No, so you're going like, here's the thing. You might be going live to get practice cause you're not confident enough to go live everywhere. That's totally cool.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

But if you trick your brain into thinking something different, that oh, I was going live and magically it was all gonna happen, this is the stuff your messaging needs to be for the action and tasks you're trying to achieve. So if you need to get confidence, by all means, by all means. Like, go live every week inside your group for a year. If you wanna grow numbers, you're gonna have more people coming into your Facebook group. We can help you have a magnifying message that's gonna attract people that wanna share that and get you more people in your Facebook group. If you want to get more people on your email list, we can help you with the messaging for that. It's just really interesting, cause there's no wrong answer. It's just getting super clear on where you want to go.

Lauren Oberly :

Right, yeah, and it comes back down to, like you said, the intention. So, like, if you have been writing like, for instance, I have a client that writes blogs. When I ask her what your intention I'm writing your book she obviously knows her intention. Obviously it's to educate, it's to grow her email list, it's to get herself seen. You know, obviously she's. You know Somebody that you know is very knowledgeable about like farming and all that stuff.

Lauren Oberly :

You know things that, like a lot of people like don't know anything about, like where the food comes from. That's like really important, I think, for a lot of people. You know. So when I ask these certain questions, I feel like that part is, like you said, is the intention, and I feel like intention is everything. If there is no intention, you don't have anything. I feel like I've noticed that I feel like this, like psychology around marketing anyway, you need to like people in order to get engagement, in order to get, like that direct response Like what are you offering people? Like are you just talking on live? Are you trying to sell something? Most of the time when people are going live, they're trying to like sell something, or they're talking about something, or they're like click here, or come here with me, or you know, like whatever people are inviting you different places. So yeah, I mean that makes a lot of sense when you say intention. So it's like you have nowhere to go if you have no intention right.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

If in the thing is is like and if the intention is just to build comfort, then honor that right. I can celebrate how much you've actually won and you'll be in this positive state. Is your setting goals now to take it out and grow your list? But if you didn't have that intention and then all of a sudden, at the end of the year, you're just mad at yourself, that like that just knocks you so many steps back, we're, instead of moving forward and like just kind of helping yourself rise, you're like literally kicking yourself back and that that's just the dangerous part of business.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

We're here like when we talk about attention. Lauren and I are here because we have a personal mission that we're invested in helping female entrepreneurs and business owners Know how to write their own paycheck and like step into their true sense of power and utilize their energy for the greatest good for themselves and the impact they're gonna create in their own community. That's something that you don't keep quiet. Like. You know, I can pretend for a day like, oh, I don't want to do that, but that's a call that's way bigger than me. I can't, I can't, I Can't like oh, I'm not doing that. You know, it's bigger. It's bigger than me, it's bigger than Lauren. So we know we're here to put that out into the world in a way that's gonna help. Everybody has a collective grow. So that you know that intention is very clear as we started Talking this through and creating the beginning stages of the content.

Lauren Oberly :

Yes, yeah, I love that. There is another question that, Um, somebody had asked that she this. She had said that she's having problems writing like sales post. So I said that we will definitely caught like. I think that one of our I don't think I know that one of our modules that we will be doing in the program will be copy.

Lauren Oberly :

Like you know copywriting, because I feel like for me, my Copy versus when I, you know, understood content, it was completely different because like content is Like, just it could be whatever it is. It could be a long form post, it could be a long form YouTube video. It's giving tangible, you know outcomes of something. But when you're writing like a sales post, I think people were getting confused. On Like you know, for instance, who they're selling to. Like will like help you write an actual sales Post if that's what you need. If you don't need that, then we won't help you with that. But I feel like when you open with a problem for like your ideal client and you amplify the pain and frustration, I feel like people stop listening. Right, do you agree? I?

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I think that I have to say that I think that you do this really beautifully, where you on are able to recognize their pain, but come at it in a softer, gentler way. Yeah, I think that what I do is I kind of like I call a hook, like there's just some strong word that brings people's attention, but I give a solution in the middle always, even if it's like a little 60-second video, and then always a call to action, whether it's get out a pen and paper and write that note down Go drink 12 ounces of water immediately after your walk today. I mean whatever kind of thing, I will always give a strong call to action, even if it's not a selling call to action. You know what I mean? I'm not selling in my marketing daily, but I will consistently do a call to action because that is what resonates with my audience. If I don't tell people what to do next, it's like confuses everyone. I don't know if that's some manifestor voice of mine. Why is it like?

Lauren Oberly :

yeah, that's coming from your manifestor, yeah.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Because I used to just do content like I'm going back like 10 years and I would just do content to be like, oh, this is what's going on in our business, blah blah, and just tell people a story.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

It was like all nice, but if I didn't tell them at the end exactly what to do with it, then we wouldn't get more conversation happening. And now so that's kind of like the approach I take because that works for my energy. So I don't exacerbate and pour salt on the wounds Like I don't do that. I call it out Like let's bring it into the light, this is a problem you might be having. Here's the solution and then a strong call to action. So I think that's what makes us really unique teachers of this content, because we both have a unique approach that comes through its strength as being the core planet in the Christ activate area. Also, there's like to go deep into things, like just see the power point and really finally into the solution, because you have a sense of you know right there. So that's kind of my real for people. I'd like to share this challenge.

Lauren Oberly :

I mean to do good as a subconscious. It's like it's likezie for a certain part of the like a spirit or like are wherever you are and whoever you are. Yeah, any other final thoughts that you would like to say. I think that was my final thought.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

The only other, the only other question that I was asked the other day about oh well, tell me more about this magnetic marketing was somebody that doesn't? She's like. I don't like social. I hate writing content. Are you going to help me like it?

Lauren Oberly :

I hope so.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

But that's. This is really intense and I hope that she's listening because, chris, she'll get a giggle. So I'm not saying her name because I'm not throwing her into the bus. But the thing is this is that exactly what I said? To respond, I said we're going to teach you strategies that align with your energy and teach you how to be intentional, that you're going to be speaking to your ideal clients Do you like your ideal clients? And she said yes and I said okay. So when we teach you how to speak to your ideal clients, I have a feeling that that positive energy charge is going to make you like it more. I can't promise because I don't know. I'm not in your mind, but so that was what I responded to that question. So I can't guarantee anyone that we're going to magically make you love it, but by aligning it with who you want to spend time with and who you want to serve and who you want to talk to, a lot more like enjoy is going to come out of this.

Lauren Oberly :

Yeah, I was going to say yeah, I think that that was a good, that was a good response, because I, if you don't I think there's a deeper reason of if you don't like doing content within, like what's going on inside of you that we can help with. Of course you know me being a quantum healer I will do also do like healing sessions inside the program, bonuses, meditations, all that stuff, because I feel like clearing out some of that stuff, you could kind of there's going to be blocks, there's going to be like wounds that come up. You know that's important. I feel like that's all part of the program. So I feel like I'll read I usually read the room, I will usually like the feedback and stuff of like you know, different stuff like people are going through.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So yeah, you're amazing at that, and I have to say just to anyone that's listening, I still struggle and Lauren knows this because I will turn to her all the time and ask her these questions. I still struggle with when it comes to making my own content. I can write the most beautiful messages for my clients. When I'm hired to do other people's marketing, it's amazing on point I love. I never have a block. It flows like not, but when it's my own, I will still have things that come up where I am trying to like write something and then all of a sudden I'm like I don't know.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

It's like I was stuck or something is causing me to feel like I'm stuck in the mud, and what it usually always comes down to is that I am starting to care what people think instead of what I'm here to do, and every time I will question that shadow within myself and ask, okay, so what if? What if you know, like what do I care? What everybody needs Thanks to me, or like this is one of my mom doesn't love that I say this, but I'm just going to share one of the things I do to work myself through this is I'm like, at some point, all three generations of this one person that you care what they think of you. They're going to die, You're gonna die. So what is left is the impact that you make on the world. Does it really matter what someone else thought? If you made that content Mm-mm. So that is one of my ways, because I walk myself through it. It's like we're all gonna die. It's okay, Like we're born knowing that.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So why am I giving away my power to be afraid of what someone else thinks? And it's not consciously that I'm doing that. It's always unconscious. That's why I'm grateful to have Lauren as a dear friend that we could talk to about this stuff and have so many other coaches that I pay for to call my bullshit out, because I will have my own blinders and roadblocks up. So why I'm saying this is that I'm like the loving kick in the pants. I will not let you succumb to your own BS. So know that that's the flavor I will bring to every one of our trainings. Like it's just you I am, and that always helps everybody. It really does. It helps elevate the room.

Lauren Oberly :

Yeah, and it's all out of like love and it's kind of like you can kind of see through people's bullshit of their, and when we're recording this it's too too too. So that's amazing.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Oh, there you go. I know see, we knew that. Yeah, so it's like yeah.

Lauren Oberly :

So it's like I feel like it's gonna be really powerful and I'm just very honored to be able to witness people shedding their and you said death, and I feel like a lot of us go through this death and rebirth process even still alive. So I feel like that is just part of that's really what's part of like 2024, I feel like for all of us.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

It's true, it's like yeah, it's like it is. It's death of like if you're transitioning businesses, it's death of what used to work and transitioning to what is for the now.

Lauren Oberly :

Yeah, yeah.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So I love it.

Lauren Oberly :

All right. Well, thank you guys, so much for joining us and I'll make sure you guys, there'll be a link in the description box. This will be up on YouTube and it'll also be up on Buzzsprout, where you can listen to it wherever streaming platform that you listen to, and just make sure you sign up for one of the master classes. Okay, guys, we will see you in the master class. Bye, have a great week.

Tracey Watts Cirino:


Lauren Oberly :

Thank you for joining us on another enlightening episode on the Enlighten Misfits podcast. If you resonate with this conversation and found it insightful, don't forget to subscribe, rate and leave us a review. Your feedback fuels our mission. Remember your journey to unwavering certainty and purpose is ongoing. Stay connected with us on social media and let's continue this conversation. Let's manifest greatness in our lives. Until next time, this is Lauren from the Enlighten Misfits podcast. Stay enlightened, stay inspired and keep manifesting your extraordinary path.