Beyond Common Business Secrets

Mindset Matters: Cultivating a Motivated Mindset for Women in Business

Tracey Watts Cirino Season 3 Episode 52

Every female entrepreneur knows the sting of rejection and the weight of juggling a multitude of roles; it's a shared battle in our relentless pursuit of success. My own journey has taught me that anchoring in your 'why' isn't just motivational fluff—it's the very lifeline that can pull you through the churn of doubt. In today's episode, I get real about the challenges we face, sharing personal stories of resilience and offering actionable advice that goes beyond the cookie-cutter tips. Discover how to empower yourself through strategic connections, coaches, accountability partners, and community programs that are tailored to lift you when you're dragging and push you to new heights.

Are you ready to say goodbye to fear, frustration, and overwhelm when it comes to growing and scaling your business? You’re in the right place. Welcome to  Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast I’m your host, Tracey Watts Cirino

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Tracey Watts Cirino :

Hello, hello, welcome to Beyond Common Business Secrets, where we empower female entrepreneurs to thrive in their businesses. I'm your host, Tracey Watts Cirino, and today we are diving deep into the topic of motivation and how to stay driven even on those most challenging days. You know the days where you're like how can I find the motivation to do all the things I need to do in my business and to support my family and the obligations of charitable work? How can't, like? If you ever ask yourself that, like, how can you keep going even on those days when you absolutely don't want to? Or sometimes it's like the weather will influence this. It's like, oh, all of a sudden it is just yucky outside and you have no motivation to do what you're normally supposed to do to successfully grow and scale your business. Or maybe it's been raining a ton and then, all of a sudden, there's this beautiful sunshiney day and it is like you have no motivation for work. You just want to escape and completely go into that clay mode, right? So today we're really diving into, like, why your mindset matters and really talking through the lens of cultivating a motivated mindset for women in business. The interesting thing is that when you go deeper on your setup of how you really present your marketing message, like how you show up in the world, both as the business leader and giving your actual business a character and personality all of its own. When these are much deeper, I find it much easier. So the first thing we're gonna talk about is finding your why. So when you really know why you're in business, it really helps you on those days that you're like it's just tough.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

Today, or I know there was a day a couple of weeks ago that I had so much to do and we are in the process of hiring new support staff that works behind the scene on editing and doing stuff for the podcast. So that was like additional things that I have to my to-do list. Plus, we were launching like two different things the CEO power code and the magnetic marketing program. So I had all those normal things plus extra. And then we're short staffed and when you're short staffed, you, as the leader, have to do more things right, like that's what I was experiencing. I want you to really feel it look right along with me. And then, as you're hiring, there's extra work that goes on top of that, while you're still picking up the slack of having a missing team member. So it's so interesting when you look at it that way.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

So you have all this going on and then I just I received for like rejections, right or no's. So they were opportunity. They were different opportunities for speaking events and shows, and it was like it all came flooding on a day that I already did not. You know, like I did not have the motivation. I felt like, okay, I needed a day off, I needed a break. So I'm just letting you know that like this is something that even when you you're achieving levels of success and it appears successful, right, it's like the highlight reel on Instagram. There are these days that still are really tough. So I want to sort of pull back the curtain and dig into some different ideas and things that you can explore even on those toughest days, because when you dig deep to find that motivation, it makes it so much easier.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

This is where having a coach or an accountability partner or a pod, even being part of a group program that is helping you push forward through growing your business. This is where all of that community aspect can be really helpful. But first is finding your why On that day that I'm like, okay, does anyone even care? Because I go back to a lot of the things that I coach and mentor people on is that the most successful people will have more failures than the average person that doesn't try, that doesn't put themselves out there. So this is okay. It's like with every no, you're getting one step closer to that. Yes, that lights everything else on fire, makes it amazing, and you're just getting stronger and more vibrant and growing bigger and bigger. So that's the first thing.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

Then, knowing my why allowed me to really look at it. It's like this really isn't about me. When we set up Beyond Common coaching and training company, we set it up with the understanding and the why that we wanted to serve. We want to provide the tools and resources that every female entrepreneur and business owner needs to be truly successful, to set up those strategies and systems within your business that allow you to cultivate a life that really lights you up. So that's like that first thing of really really knowing your why and purpose. So it's not about the products that we have. It's about serving female business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders and their teams.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

It gets really about showing up for them and like we're so passionate about helping female entrepreneurs and business owners succeed that that's sort of that go-to whenever deeper motivation is required, I almost get choked up about it. I get choked up because once I pass through into that, I let go of all the overwhelming stress, because that's me thinking of my own problems and my own self. When I can pass through that and think of it through a different lens, it allows it to be so much easier to truly be motivated on the days that are just hard. That literally sucks sometimes. So that is like, first and foremost is really knowing that, and when you know that really clearly, it's so much easier to show up in that way when people need you to.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

It's like from the very beginning of all of this, I always looked at it through the lens of like okay, so I help female business owners set up the success systems, the success systems they need to overcome challenges. That's at the root, the core of what we do, like overcome challenges with communication, leadership, technology and marketing so that they can 10x their business. That was like the things that I'm just super passionate about and that I happened to have some really great knowledge, and it's looking back on my career and all the different businesses I've had the opportunity to be a part of those are the things that I've been able to really facilitate and create positive transformation for others. So I go back to that. So that's. I want to encourage you to do the same on those hard days, like on that super hard day, you want to just go back to that because that is what's going to help you.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

The next would be to set realistic goals. So here's why, if you're having a really tough day and I'll take you back to a story like when I transitioned from selling our in-person salon business into doing online coaching and creating programs and speaking at conferences when I transitioned to that, I could easily have been like oh yeah, I don't feel like today, because there wasn't a bunch of people waiting at the door, clients that I had to let in like, hi, I'm here, here's the team, here's the like. That's a transition. And people were like well, why do you still have a strong schedule where you're getting up, same time working out, do your morning routine, and you're starting business Like it's kind of like the equivalent of still opening up the doors? I know myself like I needed to have that structure. So that is like why you need to set realistic goals, because if you have this off day where you're like I don't feel like it. If you didn't have all these goals in place, then you would like blow it off. So that is another reason. Well, you need to have these like realistic goals in place so you continually are growing and stretching and you're sort of there's a lot of like self development that happens along the way and by doing that you're able to keep your mindset strong, even on days that you don't feel like it. So that is super important. Another thing is to create a support system. So when you create a support system in this again, this is hiring a coach, this is hiring an accountability partner, being part of a group, a pod or, you know, being in a program Like I can tell you that the reason I know that I can help my clients win is because I never stopped growing.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

I share everything, I learn and I always am a part of something else. So I'm always in a course, in a training program, in a mastermind. I'm always investing in the future of both myself and my company. So because of that investment, it allows me to show up in a bigger way than if I was just like allowing it to coast, and I learned that about myself, like I'm somebody that I learned and you could be the same way. So it's important to ask yourself these questions, like when I am involved in something where I'm learning, growing and stretching, I show up as a more effective leader and trainer to my clients and the way that I support their teams. It's been the same for me in every business and every industry. The more that I stretch and grow, the more I deliver extraordinary results for my clients, you know, hence being able to say beyond common.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

So you want to have a network of people in your support system. If you don't already have one, I strongly encourage you to join our supportive Facebook group. It's Beyond Common Business Secrets. It's in Facebook. It's absolutely free. That's a great place to get started. So, if you're not already a member, reach out today and be a part of that Facebook group. Ask questions, make connections and this is like a first step in growing that and then from there you can go next level, like if you haven't worked with a business coach or accountability partner before.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

Look and see who has achieved the things that you want to achieve Right. Like when you see people that have achieved the things that you want to achieve, reach out and connect with them, read their books like, buy their programs, hire them for one-to-one consulting, you know, even if it's just something you do like every quarter. Like some people need consistent weekly coaching and we have this huge program plan for them. And other people need, like, those check-in points. So there are so many customized options that you don't have to do it alone. And I'm telling you on those days that you want to pull the covers over your head and it's really difficult to get out of bed because you feel like nobody cares and everyone is saying no, like you. This is how you make sure that you're showing up in the biggest beautiful way possible.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

So, without those support systems in place, like I would have been crushed when that happened last week. I'm just being completely transparent and honest. It's like it's really hard to get all of those things at once right. And the thing is is that having my support system allowed me to tune in and get myself back on track. You know it's like having that mindset so you could turn it around to the positive really was a game changer. And that is like, again, you know, walking yourself through the process of the more knows you get, the closer you are to the yes, like you just have to change it because it's not the actual rejection that really like hurt that. That itself it's like it is what it is. How would I know if I didn't ask right? So I put it out there. Amazing, yay.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

When you attach things like, oh, that's because I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy of this, I'm not good enough, like when we start saying these things to ourselves, that's when we get really angry. And I have those moments where that automatic programming comes up and I think it actually did when this happened last week. So I had that moment of like a pity party for myself and then I'm like, wait a minute, no, no, no, no, no. Okay, let's regroup, reset the mindset and it is okay. You put yourself out there. It's, it's protection, because it's setting you up for, like, what is the greatest thing. So sometimes it's like you say no to what is good so that you can say yes to what the greatest thing is. So these are just all little strategies to walk you through, and having a great support system is so important.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

The next I would say is really looking at it through embracing self-care. So if you are completely stressed out, overwhelmed, overworked, like doing all the things and not finding any place for joy. And I can speak to this with love and compassion because I've see you, I hear you, I've been there, I've walked that, and it's not something that you set it and forget it. You constantly have to monitor it. So, finding ways to put self-care and more joy in your life like things that I do in this area and we have a guide that is all about the seven ways to dream big and it's really about setting up some strategies that allow you to keep dreaming, because when you do this, it's like a form of self-care. So I encourage you. It'll be in the show notes. I'm going to double check. Yeah, so I think it's beyondcomandbusinesssecretscom seven ways to dream big. So it's like beyondcomandbusinesssecretscom slash seven ways to dream big. Go ahead and download that free guide because it'll help you walk through even more of these strategies. So that's available to you absolutely free. It's my gift to you because that's another way of helping you stay motivated when you need it most.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

So the idea of embracing self-care, it's like have your go to. Like. I have a ritual where I walk with my husband every day. In the past couple of months I've added in so I walk every day and then I do weight training, resistance training, a few times a week, like that's just sort of like to keep you right, to keep it right in the world right and keeps your mindset right, keeps you on target, that you're having a routine that nourishes your body, mind and spirit. And recently I think it's been about three months because yeah, ok, yeah, it's been about three months I started going back to an old favorite that I had put down for many years and I've been doing yoga every day and that really helps control, like, the cortisol levels in the body, the fight or flight stuff that happens just from every day.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

Challenges that come up both as a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend and a business owner. It's like this is all life stuff and it just happens to be one of the hats that you wear is that you're also a business owner or leader, right, so this helps with all of that. So when you look at the significance of self care, this really helps you maintain motivation, like so many of my clients that when we first start working together that are so burnt out and on the verge of complete breakdown is because they think they have to rush to get the next thing and again, I've been guilty of that at various points throughout my life and career. So I have nothing but empathy and can speak from the heart on this, because it's something that I will continue to struggle with my life. And the thing is, is that when you put things in place that allow you moments of completely getting away, going on a vacation, taking two days off from completely not looking at any emails, completely shutting down from technology, putting habits and things that bring you joy Like I do a lot of cooking, like with whole ingredients and like looking at it through this like lens of this is how my kids and my family will thrive. So that's one of the things I do on a daily basis to just something fun, like I really enjoy it. I really enjoy making things from scratch and getting creative and just randomly making a breast piece. It's just kind of something that I find really relaxing. Now I'm very blessed that my husband happens to love doing dishes, so we're a great team, right? Because if I had to do all those crazy dishes from my creative masterpieces, you know I might not want to do it as much. So you've got to find what works for you. Sometimes just turning on your favorite songs and dancing your booty off is a way to get more self care in. So look at it through that lens. Find things that really help you. It could be the yoga, it could be meditating daily, getting enough water in. You know there's many areas. Just start to add in one little ritual a day and see how much more you're able to show up in a way that's super positive and motivated, even on the days that it's hard, when you have some of that self love and care behind you.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

The other thing that I have really really started implementing I would say the last five years is celebrating the small wins, and I mean like the smallest wins. This really helps boost morale. Like I remember it was so funny we were. We had like clients that were paying us $10,000 and $20,000 a day to go do like workshops and retreats and really help them and I didn't at the time have a online program available yet and it was so funny that we worked so hard, had so many technology issues behind the scenes and then finally broke through and got it. I remember that very first sale. It was for like a $27 offer. I'm getting chills even still. It was like the biggest feeling ever.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

I think I celebrated that more than having like the $20,000 retainer to come in every quarter and teach the entire team on different pieces of leadership and communication. It's so funny that we have to celebrate everything, but that $27 sale like whoa game changer is like oh my goodness. Or even like when we sold our very first book. That's like a low cost, but you have to celebrate everything. You have to celebrate the fact that you got the book done. You got to celebrate the fact that you turned it into the editor and then celebrate again when the publisher gets it. It's the same thing. You get the first $27 sale or whatever. It can be $5, it doesn't matter, but you have to celebrate it as if you just received like $20,000, $100,000, it's so big. Then, when you get the big sale like the huge retainer, that's even a bigger celebration. It's just like if we don't take the time to celebrate these wins and victories, then we're sending out the signal that maybe we don't need anymore.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

The thing is, is you constantly want to be celebrating and extending gratitude, like for every single client, even someone reaching out and saying hey, I'm interested in working with you, can you get on a call and answer these couple of questions. What would it be like to work with you? Like, celebrate that, celebrate that it's so important, right, every little step along the way, even when things didn't go as planned, with every launch we've ever had, we have to look at it through the lens of okay, let's celebrate the things that we did learn, like we showed up, we got out there, we pushed through, we did something we've never done before. It's just continually celebrating these wins.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

The next thing to stay motivated is visualizing your success. Before I make even every podcast, every piece of content, every training program that we ever put together, I visualize and feel it 100% in my body. I visualize my ideal client tuning in to this podcast episode, getting so much value, hitting all the points of exactly what you needed to hear today. It is like medicine for the soul. It hits in a way that makes you have all the tingles and you're like oh, I needed this so much today. If that is you, my friend, please give us a shout out wherever you are listening to this podcast. Give us a five-star review, reach out on Instagram or Facebook. I'm at Tracy Watts, serino everywhere. Let us know when we hear that it's hitting you and it resonated with you and you're able to take action on the different things that we deliver weekly on the podcast. It makes my heart so happy because we visualize that, my team, we visualize that and say it out into the world. It's like tuning into what people really need to hear and what is going to serve you in the best way possible. That is what we're here to do. Know that, my friend. That's the same thing.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

Whatever you do in your business, visualize it being successful. Visualize it going out into the world and hitting people in their heart in a way that makes them know that you are the one to help them, that you are open and available for them. That is so important. I even will say it out loud Visualize, say it out loud and really adapt to what your ideal clients really need. That is a huge, huge, huge piece.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

The other thing I would say that really helps keep the motivation is being adaptable. Adapt to changes and challenges. This could be a golden opportunity to do things in a new way. Maybe this has never been done this way and that's going to be what the world needs Be adaptable even when it's hard. The more adaptable you are, you can be serious about business. I would say that's how we are. We're really serious about serving our clients and getting you results, because that's super important to me and everyone in our company. We want to serve you in the best way possible and ensure that you get tangible results.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

The flip side is that I don't take myself too serious. Like there's typos, I mess up, we're gonna put things out there, probably before they're ready, because if you wait till it's perfect, then someone else probably already did it. So the thing is is that you wanna be adaptable and not take yourself too seriously. That was a hard lesson for me. I think I was 25 by the time I really learned that, and it's like you can never be perfect. So just put it out there before it's perfect and then ask for feedback. It's all good Like we ask for feedback every week from our loyal listeners and everybody that's on our email list. You know like we put out a weekly newsletter that delivers valuable content every single week and we seek feedback.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

So the last thing I would say is that when you wanna maintain this momentum on the days that it's hard and keep that mindset strong, seek inspiration. So what I mean is like, do not let any trash in. Don't watch negative news, don't call your negative friends and family. Do not allow anyone to dump on you. You almost need to create a protective bubble when you're feeling this way and shout out to anybody that knows me well. The thing is is that you need to be in a protective bubble because you could be easily triggered, right.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

So then, fill yourself with inspiration. Do you get inspired from journaling? Do you get inspired from talking to friends about your hopes and dreams? Do you get inspired from learning new things? Do you get inspired from taking a walk in nature? Do you get inspired from dancing, whatever it is? Seek inspiration and only do that. Do not do mindless scrolling on social media. Get yourself a bit inspired and then create before you can say them, because if you consume when you're out of alignment, you're feeling yucky, stuck in the mud, unmotivated. It is a downward spiral, my friend. So the way to unhook yourself is to put yourself in a little bubble for a minute and seek inspiration, and it has to be what truly inspires you. It cannot be what inspires anyone else. It needs to be what inspires you.

Tracey Watts Cirino :

So I hope you found this podcast very helpful and again, just looking at it through the lens of your mindset matters, and these are just ways that you can cultivate a motivated mindset. As a woman in business, I know that you have tons of responsibilities and things coming at you, and we talk about real life here on Beyond Comic Business Secrets. It's like the only way to be successful is to bring it out into the light, like don't let it lurk in the shadows. It's true, there are days that are freaking hard to maintain positivity and you've stayed with us through this whole thing. So I hope you have found value and let us know in the comments wherever listening. We'd love a review, we'd love your feedback and don't forget to download your free gift, which is Seven Ways to Dream Big. I hope you have the most Beyond Common amazing day, as always, and I will see you on the next one. Take care.