Beyond Common Business Secrets

3 Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Business Now

Tracey Watts Cirino Season 3 Episode 55

 In this episode of Beyond Common Business Secrets, we reveal three foundational marketing strategies guaranteed to kickstart your business journey. From content creation to leveraging your network, discover the secrets to standing out in a crowded marketplace and achieving success on your terms.

 Tune in to explore three game-changing marketing strategies that will transform your business from ordinary to extraordinary. Learn how to harness the power of content, to create social media that elevates your brand and attracts your ideal audience.

 Connect with me across social media as we build a community of supportive entrepreneurs brimming with ambition and ready to conquer their next challenge.

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7 Ways to Dream Big

Are you ready to say goodbye to fear, frustration, and overwhelm when it comes to growing and scaling your business? You’re in the right place. Welcome to  Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast I’m your host, Tracey Watts Cirino

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Tracey Watts Cirino:

Hello, hello, and welcome to Beyond Common Business Secrets. We are so excited you are here. On Beyond Common Business Secrets. We unlock all sorts of unconventional strategies and and deep and behind the scenes to reveal all of these secrets that a lot of people gatekeep and don't share. And this is sort of getting into the real nitty gritty of what it truly takes to be successful in business. So I'm your host, Tracey Tracy Watt Watts Serino Cirino and today we are going to dive deep into the marketing strategies that really will help ignite your business, especially if you're just getting started. So if you're just getting started, these are like the three things that I wish I really maximized when I was just getting started. So if you're in that position where you're just getting started stay tuned, my friend you're in the right place or if you're looking for ways to revamp and power up what you're already doing, then today is going to be jam-packed with a lot of amazing strategies for you. So we're going to reveal the top three that I just constantly I am being asked all the time in random emails that come in, or in text messages or direct messages on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and all the places that I show up. I continually get private message with these questions and this is that response. So if you are one of the amazing people that have reached out and asked me questions about marketing, this is going to sum up a lot of the answers for you. So the thing is is that when I was just getting started in business, I don't think I realized how important these three things are. So we're really going to dive into those, because when you can maximize this, it makes everything else in your business so much easier. And then all the other things just fall into place for Who doesn't love that? Right, can I get an amen? We love that.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So the first and foremost is, when it comes to marketing, you need to know who you are. So it's who are you in business, who are you and who do you serve? I don't think that, starting out, I really spent enough time. I was thinking oh yeah, yeah, I just want clients. Like it was almost like you skipped over it because you're maybe thinking I just need warm bodies. However, when we take extra time on the front end to really get clear on who it is that we serve and who we are as a business, when we're really clear about that. It makes everything else easier. So we're really clear at Beyond Common Business Secrets, we help female entrepreneurs and business owners who want to next-level and their business right. That's really clear. If that's not you, then we're not talking to you.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Now, what that doesn't mean and I think this is the part I did not get when I was first getting started what that does not mean it does not mean that we don't have male listeners, right, we welcome men. We have. A smaller segment of our audience, but 10% of our audience is men. It just so happens that the men listening understand that this is a podcast that is dedicated to female entrepreneurs and business leaders really growing, scaling, and 10Xing their business right. And we're not going to give you all guru-type guru-type of jargon. We're going to always ask you does this feel right for you? Is this in alignment for you? So this is one of those things that when you're clear about that, it doesn't mean that you're not going to attract other people, because I have quite a few people that have been following us for years and they're not even business owners, but they're still aspiring. I even have a segment of the audience that are retired, they've sold their business and maybe they'll do something else, but they love getting the empowering, inspirational content.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So do you see how, just because we've clarified that we serve female entrepreneurs and business owners and leaders doesn't mean that we're excluding everyone else. It just means that we're really crystal clear that we're talking to you, and it makes it so much easier for all the content we create, because when you spend the time to do this, it's actually going to save you so much time, money and energy by really being clear on this. So I urge you, do not skip over this. If, again, if I had to go back and do it over, this is where I would spend extra time. So if you're needing help in this area, reach out, and hire a coach. We would love to help you through this. To really get clarity. Spend the time really clarifying who that is you are serving and how you want to show up right, that is super, super important.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Then the next I would say the second most important thing when it comes to really doing your marketing strategy really would be understanding that content is king. So you do not have to produce a lot of content. You need to produce quality content and that content can be repurposed everywhere. So what that looks like is you're going to create content, and if you're somebody that has a live element maybe you go live on Facebook every week Okay great, then that's going to be one of the avenues of how you produce content. Maybe you have your own podcast, maybe you have your own blog, maybe you're a contributor to someone else's podcast or blog. Whatever it is, you want to make sure that you have your sort of pillar pieces of content that you're sharing weekly, and then you repurpose them everywhere else.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

What I did in the beginning and maybe I'm a slow learner or I don't know, maybe I'm the leader who talks about these missteps this is one of those beyond common business secrets. The thing is that I thought, okay, I got to have a podcast, a blog, we write emails, we've got to post on all the socials because that's what everyone said you were doing and then we're running around and doing all those things, which, yes, you do that, but you can start by really getting really focused in on creating such amazing content that you just repurpose everywhere else. So what that looks like is every week, we produce a podcast episode. So we produce an episode of Beyond Common Business Secrets like this one. Then this gets repurposed to our YouTube channel and then we take pieces of it and an email goes out to our list that people on our email marketing and then we take pieces of that and that gets broken down into socials and then we repurpose it several times based on what we have going on, what our offers are, what's happening, and we continue. We will repurpose it again and again. So essentially, I always laugh because I'm such a creator and I love to create content that I could literally probably go on vacation for two years and we have enough content that my team could repurpose and rework it, and that is an amazing thing. So when you look at it this way, that you have to sort of decide what's going to be your main thing. One of the things that we do a lot when it comes to marketing is we really build relationship with the clients and listeners that are on our email list.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So this is really important. We talk about topics, we dive deeper, we give insider views. If you're on our email list, you know you get even more opportunity to get free resources. You know when programs are on sale opportunity to get free resources. You know when programs are on sale, you get all the goods behind the scenes. It's like we're not just asking you for your email address just to keep it under our belt and then not share stuff with you. We're continually sharing stuff with you all the time.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So that's why, when you really focus on the type of content you want to create, one of the key areas under this content that we really focus on and this is something that I do a lot of coaching and people hire me to do this as well this is writing great emails, getting clear on becoming better and better at being a great copywriter. So if that's even an area that you need help with reach out, we have several different packages on either doing it for you completely, you know, writing all your copy and helping you structure those emails so that you can get consistent and really start building those relationships with your clients, if that's an area that you want to focus on. But overall, wherever you're focusing on your content, you know we have other packages that help you where it's done with you, so we can support you in that, and then we have lots of free resources that help you with this. We have the five, the five time saving strategies. I can put that in the show notes to grab that. And then we also have the seven ways to dream big in your business, which walks you through some of the other ways to think about your marketing and promotion strategies. Really look through that lens. Marketing promotion promotion look through that lens. It's super important.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Then, once you're clear if your focus this year is that you really want to build a strong email list, that's yours you might hear all the time people say like, what if all the social networks go down? What are you going to do? And they've gone down a lot in the last couple of years. Just over a month ago, we had three different days that different social networks went down. I have a couple of clients that have really built up a lot of followers on TikTok. And then there's all this talk what if TikTok goes down? So we need to leverage where we are and we have no control over this. But the more that we're adding people to our actual list where it's ours, we own it. It's sort of like you're growing your business on your own land, not on borrowed land. So we want to get really clear on what that looks like and then from there, we can create strategic social media. We We work with with our clients to grow ing strong writing skills getting downithriting down that writing that grows relationship by writing great content, letting people know of the blogs that you have posted, of the different opportunities you have available for people to work with you. That is super important. So if this is an area that you need help in, please do not hesitate to reach out. We would love to help wclientsn talk to your devlop content your clients to to about w. .

Tracey Watts Cirino:

And then, moving on to number three, this is an area that a lot of people, including myself, overlook when they're launching their first business, a new business, and this is your strategic relationship. So you might say, okay, I'm starting this brand new business and nobody I know would need this service or this product. So you think, oh, forget it, I'm not going to talk to people in my network. Maybe you're not going to talk to your family or friends and people within your network, and here's the thing, they may not be the actual buyers. And here's the thing they may not be the actual buyers, but by you letting them know exactly what you do, you will get more referrals because those people already know, like, and trust you.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So let me give you an example. I'll tell you a story. Let's go to a story. So here's the thing when I was switching from the beauty and cosmetic industry into more , empowerment and personal and professional development coaching/ consulting. I was like, oh okay, I don't, I don't know who of my clients is going to need that. So I didn't really reach out and connect and that is actually something I would redo, right, I would do this differently and I would let them know. Hey, just so you know, I am a business growth strategist and I work with female entrepreneurs and business owners to help them learn the systems, strategies tools, tips, techniques and resources that they need to set up successful systems so that they can 10X their business growth. Just so you know, this is what I'm doing. Now. If you know anyone that would benefit from my services, please send them my way. So that is something that when you're just starting out, when you're really clear on what you're doing and you know how to write it, and you're really getting that sort of copy written out and you're just gonna naturally get better and better at it.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Then you want to ask people in your network who they know that would benefit. Right, like not that long ago, my sons and I launched the I know what it's called, but that's funny. I was having a moment so the Winter Owl Experience Box. So I went back through and was thinking, okay, so I didn't contact just people I know that have kids that are 12 and under. I contacted people I know that are grandparents and people I know who have a high value on building connections and making sure the family dynamics are strong, and I let everybody know hey, the kids and I are launching this brand new, the Winter Owl Experience Box, and it's based on instilling a love of reading within your children and bringing those magical cuddle moments together. Do you know of any families that would benefit from this? Do you have a contact, a connection of somebody that services multiple amounts of families that we could present at their next big event? Schools, things like that? So we did a couple of daycares, a couple of public libraries.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So the thing is, is that when you are starting your business, this helps you flush out any type of questions or things that people might ask. So often I get clients that want to skip right over all this because it can be a little bit awkward to ask friends and family. And then you know there might be family members that are super close to you that never even ask and I always look at that like oh rude, but whatever, it's all good. You don't have tell them when you're talking to a certain family members that never ask you anything. Just don't worry about them, but let the next people know in your circle that want to help, because that is so empowering. And when you do it this way, by the time that you get to the point that you're going to spend money on having someone help you create ads and running a leads campaign and doing all these additional things you have already really flushed out the content and got your copywriting dialed in So it's so on point because you've sort of presented it face-to-face or even if it's like Zoom-to-face or on the phone

Tracey Watts Cirino:

You know there's many ways that you might talk to people that you know. But I strongly urge you, even if you don't know anybody in your network that would want to buy the new service or product that you're launching right now, even if you don't know anyone, start sharing you will save a lot of time, money and energy paying for marketing and advertising and it's not flushed out enough. So this is an area that's going to save you so much time, so much money and get you truly set up so that later because I often will talk to clients that are say nobody I know is helping me and no one's supporting me, and I'm will say OK, I understand that, because that is a common thing that entrepreneurs feel at times. But I will ask you is it true? Is it true, did you let people know? Now, if they didn't ask and you didn't feel like pushing, that's OK. But everybody that did ask, did you let them know? Did you still let them know? Hey, I'm doing this new thing and this is what I do and this is what I need help and support with. Do you know anybody

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Right now we're in the refinement phase of the CEO Power Code, which is our program. That's all about teaching female entrepreneurs and business owners and leaders how to master their time. So the idea is, when you follow these systems and strategies, you can save yourself 10 hours or more every week, and we're in that refinement. So now I'm asking people to jump on calls where I can ask them a lot of questions on, what's working, what do they feel would help them more, and we're in this refinement phase before we launch it again, and it's launching again at end of April. This phase that we're in. So, no matter when you're listening to it, we'll be in a. different phase. But the thing is is that anytime someone's says hey, what are you up to? Oh, hey, I am looking for female entrepreneurs and business owners that want to 10x their business and work less but make more. That's that the sweet spot of the CEO power code and time mastery

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So anybody, even if it's in passing at a PTO meeting, I'm going to let them know this is what I'm doing. This is one of those things that if you do not tell people what you're doing, then of course no one's going to know you're doing, then of course no one's going to know. And the number one business killer hear me out for those of you multitasking, come back to me the number one business killer is going to be obscurity, it's lack of visibility. Like you're still the world, your industry's, best kept secret. The way to not be a secret is to let people know what you do. Let them in. So I hope that you have found these strategies to be helpful, because if I was starting over launching a new offer or completely starting from scratch, these are the areas that I would focus on. So, again, I'm just going to repeat that back to you. So, when we're talking about the three strategies that will truly ignite your business and get it launched and off the ground with absolute courage and confidence, number one is going to be knowing who you serve knowing who you serve and who you are in business, getting that voice to be really clear. And, again, if you need help with any of this, reach out to our team. Number two is going to be content Really understanding that you don't have to make a lot of content, but you have to make quality content that is going to truly help solve the problems of your ideal target dream clients.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Whatever you want to call them, I like to say they're dream clients, because you know who doesn't want to work with the people that are fun and amazing and really get value out of what you're teaching. So you can call them ideal clients, I like to say, dream clients. You can call it anything you want, but the more that you focus on content that helps solve a problem and build that relationship, whatever intimate relationship that is Is it through blogs, is it through podcasting, is it through YouTube, is it through your email marketing? You know, no matter where you're out serving people, you want to do your best to get as many potential clients onto your email list so that you can reach out to them. Maybe when you're launching something new, you want to do a survey and you want to give them an actual say in the creation of a brand new product this is a really fun thing that we do sometimes and people love this because they really feel part of the creation. So really, really think about that.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

And then number three is I know this one is hard. It's so funny. It's harder to tell people that already know like and trust you what you're doing than a stranger. I get that, but the people that know like and trust you can sell you in a way that you might not have the confidence to sell yourself yet. So really understand that when we show up as our best self and just let people know what you're looking for, this will be so helpful to really getting your business to take off and ignite from wherever you are. So if you're just getting started, you're really wanting to get to that next hurdle, that next milestone.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I strongly urge you to take these three strategies and have so much fun with them. As always, we are so grateful that you're here. Congratulations. I cannot wait to hear all the ways that you use these three strategies to 10X your business. Please reach out on any of the social media platforms. I'm at Tracey Watts Cirino, everywhere and wherever you're listening to this podcast. Please do us a favor. Please do us a favor and write a review. We love hearing from you and we love interacting and knowing what's working. And if you would be so kind, please share this episode with a friend that you know would gain value. As always, I hope you have the most Beyond Amazing day and I will see you on the next one. Take care.