Beyond Common Business Secrets

Ultimate Summer Bucket List for Busy Business Owner Moms

Tracey Watts Cirino Season 3 Episode 65

Have you ever wondered how you can make this summer unforgettable for your family while managing the chaos of running a business? Join me, your host Tracey Watts Cirino, as we uncover the secrets to creating the ultimate summer bucket list tailored for busy business owner moms. Learn how to plan and prioritize activities that matter most, ensuring you carve out time for fun, relaxation, and precious moments with your loved ones. We'll dive into practical strategies such as involving the entire family in brainstorming sessions, categorizing activities into different groups, and effectively scheduling them on your calendar.

Tracey is a business and life transformation coach who helps female business owners conquer communication challenges so they can 10 X their business and create more joy!  Enroll in the CEO Powercode to work with Tracey today! 

Are you ready to say goodbye to fear, frustration, and overwhelm when it comes to growing and scaling your business? You’re in the right place. Welcome to  Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast I’m your host, Tracey Watts Cirino

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Tracey Watts Cirino:

Hello and welcome to Beyond Common Business Secrets. We are so grateful that you are here. I'm your host, Tracey Watts Cirino, and today we're diving into a topic that every super busy business owner mom can relate to. Today we're going to talk about how to create your ultimate summer bucket list. So, whether you're running a business, you're an executive that's running a division within someone else's business, you're raising a family or both, or you're raising a family while you're building your business, we always are looking for how do we make time for fun and relaxation? Like, how does that even seem possible, right? So making time so that you can have fun while your kids are on summer break? Fear not, right? It's like sometimes we're like is that ever possible? So fear not, because we've got you covered with tips, tricks, a few strategies and some inspiration to make this summer unforgettable. So, before we get started, if you have not already, go ahead and make sure you are subscribed to Beyond Common Business Secrets podcast so that you can get episodes every week. Every week, we show up and share different life skills, life strategies that help you seek more harmony in running both your business and life. So if you love the stuff that you hear on Beyond Common Business Secrets. Please leave us a five-star review. This helps so many other people get access to Beyond Common Business Secrets. So the more people we can help, the better. So share this with your friends, your business besties and anyone you know that will gain value.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So the thing is, is that when we're thinking through, like, let's jump on into summer, right, so let's jump in. So the importance of having a summer bucket list is so that at the end of summer, we just don't go oh wow, I missed that, right. How often. Like I woke up the other day thinking, oh, my goodness, how is it already June, right? Like here we are. So why it's important to create a summer bucket list is that every busy business owner, mom, when we think about creating a bucket list, we're like oh, that's just another thing we need to do, right? So I want you to think about the benefits. So not only does this give you something to look forward to, but it helps you plan and prioritize what truly matters. So it's a great way to ensure that you take time for yourself. Like you, take a moment to breathe and be present. To breathe and be present Amongst all the chaos of running a business, of having a family and planning all the things. It forces you to take those moments, to truly be present and really helps you enjoy the moments that really matter. So, when we think about the nitty gritty of creating your summer bucket list, here are some steps that you can take to get started.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So the first thing that we like to do in my family is I like to involve the whole family in the process. Now the kids are getting older, so they kind of hem and haw. Where when they were little they were super excited, now we just make it fun in sort of less, I guess, formal, and then the kids get into it. Sometimes my husband will join us, other times, you know not. So I don't have any hard and fast rules on this. It's supposed to be fun.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

But the number one thing to get started is involve your family and get brainstorming. Like, start on just a piece of paper, get it out and start brainstorming what everyone suggests. Like, there, there's no rules to this. This is just crazy. It could be crazy over the top. Ideas at this moment, right. Just like. Have everyone share their ideas in brainstorm. Like in the very beginning. This could be like they want to climb Machu Picchu, right, like we know, as moms, like we'd have to plan for that. That's a huge trip to go to Peru. Well, at this point in the brainstorm process, all, all ideas are on the table, doesn't matter how big or small Bring the ideas Crazy. Small, big, tall, doesn't matter. So have fun with that brainstorming process.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Then the next step is to categorize your list, like break down the activities into categories like family activities, solo activities, you might even throw out some of your business growth activities and then some couple-time activities, and then maybe the kids have camp and things that are just for them. So you might take this brainstorm list and then break it into as many categories as you need to serve the purpose, right? So one of the things on mine this year is, like you know, read a non-work related book, right, and my older son is really into the Disney villain series. So he wants me to read all of those books because there's a new one coming out, I think, in July. So I think I've last summer I got to book five, so now I need to like catch up to him. So, you know, that's something that I can do, like it's read a non-work related book. And then we have this, um, this topic that we can talk about right, that we can relate to, and it's like a deeper way of connecting with um. You know your 13 year old, so. So anytime I can get the triple win, I go for that.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So then number three would be to prioritize. Decide what's most important to you. So, looking at what everyone's ideas are, maybe a family camping trip takes precedence over completely redecorating our office this summer. Or I know we have a huge project that we need to do in our basement and rather than have it take over summer, I've like sectioned off that. Like on weekends that it's rainy or when we don't have other things that are planned, we can start it, but it's sort of not on my list to really complete until winter, right, so you can like move things around based on that. Then the next thing, which I'm calling number four, is schedule it. Use your calendar to block out time for these activities. Treat them as non-negotiable, like appointments, just like if they were client appointments. I will block those out first so that then I put all of my clients and all my work around it right, and by doing this we ensure that we're really going to hit all the things on our summer family bucket list.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

And then the fifth thing, when it comes to the steps of this, is be realistic. Don't overcommit to the sense that you're making your bucket list so unachievable that you don't have the time to schedule or the resources to complete it. Like I would love to go parasailing in Hawaii and then have lunch in France and then take a cooking class in Venice. We're not doing all of those this summer, but we can plan maybe one summer this you know and then, if you have the financial means to do it all in one summer, god bless, do it. But these are conversations that lead to more teaching and growth with our children as they sort of plan their goals as they head into their next year of school as well. So this is some of the reasons I really love to include the kids, so we're balancing. Of course, they would love if I could totally blow off work and just party it up with them the entire summer and at some point, when our business grows to that level, that is something we will probably do. But I let them know every step of the way what this looks like right, every step of the way, what this looks like right.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So for me, at this stage of business growth, there's a crucial balance that I need to strike between my professional and personal life, right? So when I have a lot more client work going on and it ends up being summer, then I delegate a lot more of the operational tasks to my team. So I will. I will like get my virtual assistants to work more hours if that, if it's necessary, right. But then I don't go and book those those extra hours until I have the client work to support it. So you're keeping yourself in a really smart budget so that you're growing the profitability in the smartest way possible. But you've just kind of put that seed out there. And then I also use technology to automate tasks and use project management tools to keep things running smoothly. So, where I may check my email twice a day during crucial growth moments in the summer, when I'm doing a lot more stuff with the kids, I will check my email once a day. And these are just things that shift based on what's happening.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

I'm very clear about boundaries, so I have specific days that are dedicated to working hours in the summer, and then I really stick to not working on the weekends. So even if one of my clients is like, oh, saturday is the absolute only day that will work for them in the summer. That's our time together as a family. So I will, you know, stay late a different day or make it work in a different way, but just being really clear that this is the boundary, these are the hours that I'm working and I leave it there where you know there's just not as much wiggle room, so that we can really accomplish these things. So I strongly encourage you, get together, start brainstorming and, depending on the age of your kids, they'll really surprise you with some of the activities. One of the activities that the kids were really excited about this year for us in the summer is we're really putting our marketing calendar together for the Winter Owl Experience Box, which is something that is a really strong seller for us at holiday time. But we know how busy it's going to be, so we're taking some time this summer to really map out what that's going to look like so that we can do it with more joy, more ease.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

Another really fun thing we've talked about is doing a neighborhood Olympic obstacle course day, so getting some families together and putting together a bunch of fun contests and prizes and fun things like that. Um, so just like really exciting stuff. These are things that, um, I've done for years with my teams, like we would always have team retreats, but now we're doing like a family retreat type of day, which is super fun. So think of ways to do that. You know, maybe your kids want to go on a camping trip, maybe it's just a night of watching a movie outside. You know, that's one of that's one that's on ours Like we have a big outdoor projector and a screen so we can watch a movie outside. Sometimes it's going away on a camping trip. Sometimes the little the younger kids want to just camp out in the backyard, right, maybe it's one day having a balloon fight, maybe it's going to the beach, going fishing, and there's a million things. Maybe you're going to try paddleboarding or kayaking for the first time, or go to a summer fair or get lost in a bookstore there's a million things. Maybe it's building a sandcastle, going to a water park there are a million different things.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

The best way to do this is brainstorm with the kids, figure out what's most important to them and then plan accordingly. And once you start like planning accordingly, then everything falls into place. Like this year, we've done a lot with removing um toxins from the foods we eat. So we have a bunch of really fun non-toxic ice cream options that we're going to try and a few like healthy desserts we're going to make together. So like that's just something that is important to our family dynamic. So this is I never give you like hard and fast, it has to be this way. These are just ideas to help you expand on what your ultimate bucket list could be Like. Maybe you want to travel across the world and go to Australia and that's on your list. Maybe you're going to do a fun science experiment. You know the options are endless, but you want to first start with brainstorming what everybody wants to do and getting them all together. So, like that's always like where I start.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

And then this is one of those things where, when we think about what's most important to us, we want to look, as we, you know, head into the end of summer. We want to make sure that we're feeling that we connected. We had those moments of deep, meaningful connection. We had time to enjoy spending time with the kids. You know, no matter what their age, we can find things that they're interested in, you know, even if it's that we have to learn how to play the video games that they're into. You know whatever they're into. Find the time to make a deep, meaningful connection, because that's what's most important about summer. And when you've made the time to really connect with your children, then the areas of your business that need your attention for growth. They're understanding and supportive. Maybe they're going to help you with organizing your files or labeling different folders in your Google Drive folders in your Google Drive. There's many different ways we can engage, more, help and development within our businesses and get the kids excited to be a part of it. So that is true for whether we're just planning our summer activities or we're seeking help from them with the growth of our business.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So I strongly urge you and encourage you to create your family's ultimate summer bucket list and understand that, as a super busy business owner, mom, put things on there that are important to you. If you want a free day of reading alone, then do it. If you want a day of grabbing mimosas with the girlfriends, go do that. If you want a day that you're going to get away and go shopping with girlfriends for a few days, put that on there. Make sure that all the things that are feeling fulfilled. Like I know, my husband wanted to make sure he's golfing, so he has a bunch of different golf dates set up with some family and friends because that's important to him this summer. So make sure that everybody in the family has a voice for what's most important. This way, work doesn't just swallow you. Right that you get everything done because we're so much more productive in our business when we've been given the space and freedom to create more joy and more fulfillment in our everyday lives.

Tracey Watts Cirino:

So, as always, I hope that you found this ultimate summer bucket list helpful. I cannot wait to see what you create. Share them with us. Dm them. Share them on social. I'd love to even see screenshots of them if you want to put it in the review section. Wherever you're listening to this podcast, let us know what unfolds as your summer bucket list and please make sure you join us inside our Beyond Common supportive female business owners Facebook group. Share it in there. Let's see what you create and let's celebrate having a summer that helps you grow a sustainable, profitable business, along with feeling fulfilled. You had a chance to really enjoy time with your children and really enjoy summer. As always, I hope you have the most beyond amazing day and I will see you on the next one. Take care.