Beyond Common Business Secrets
Transform your life and business with Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast! Hosted by Tracey Watts Cirino - a former award-winning Salon Owner, Hair & Beauty Expert turned Business Growth Strategist, Speaker, Podcast Host, Global Course Creator, Marketer, and 5-time #1 International Best Selling Author - this podcast dives deep into strategies and success systems to become profitable and create freedom through creative entrepreneurship. Hear from many Leading Guest Experts who spill all their Life & Business Secrets and Tracey as she shares her expertise on the not-so-glamorous aspects of business success for Creatives such as Coaches, Trainers, Studio Owners, Graphic Designers, Beauty Professionals, Consultants, and Authors.
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Beyond Common Business Secrets
How to Stop Overthinking and Start Taking Confident Action Today
Are you stuck in overthinking mode, analyzing every decision to the point of exhaustion? It’s time to break the cycle! In this episode of Beyond Common Business Secrets, host Tracey Watts Cirino shares the exact steps you need to move from hesitation to confident, aligned action. Learn how to reframe failure, make fast decisions, and build unshakable confidence in your business and life.
🔹 Learn why overthinking is holding you back
🔹 The 60-second decision-making hack to stop spiraling
🔹 How to take bold action—without second-guessing yourself
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To map out how to live in alignment with your own unique energy cycles grab your FREE Human Design Chart Now!
Are you ready to say goodbye to fear, frustration, and overwhelm when it comes to growing and scaling your business? You’re in the right place. Welcome to Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast I’m your host, Tracey Watts Cirino
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Tracey Watts Cirino: How to stop overthinking and start taking action today. Hello! How are you? I am your host, and I'd like to Tracey Watts Cirino, and I'd like to welcome you to beyond common business secrets as a five-time international bestselling author.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: a keynote speaker, and personal development coach. I help advanced business owners reignite their passion and break through plateaus
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Tracey Watts Cirino: and align their personal and professional lives for true fulfillment. Today we are tackling a game changer of a topic.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: It's so near and dear to my heart how to stop overthinking and start taking confident action today. This is so important because
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Tracey Watts Cirino: I see so many amazing leaders and female entrepreneurs that are struggling with this daily, especially those that are moms. I see them getting stuck in the analysis paralysis.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: It. It works like this. It's you have big goals, you have big dreams.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: But instead of moving forward, you're second guessing yourself. You're
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Tracey Watts Cirino: second guessing yourself so much that you like are suffering from pure exhaustion, sound familiar. So today, we're going to break this cycle.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: I'm gonna give you my absolute best strategies for shifting from overthinking where your brain's all crazy and busy into aligned, unstoppable action. So, my friend, grab your coffee or tea and take a deep breath, and let's dive in so
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Tracey Watts Cirino: the beginning of all of this is like, I want you to think like, why, overthinking is typically blocking your success.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: the illusion of perfect decisions. Yes, I know I said it. You heard it here first.st Right, we have this illusion, and I say we here because you are not alone, friend.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: this is so common, and we often suffer from this. We suffer from the illusion of there being a perfect decision. This illusion is what is keeping you stuck. Success is not about
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Tracey Watts Cirino: being perfect in any way. It's about showing up
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Tracey Watts Cirino: and putting yourself out there. So I know people always tell you it's about consistency. And you know, I think everyone's definition of what works for their energy.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: and you know what is consistent is the way to go right? So when you think about it in this way. It's like it's not about being perfect. It is showing up consistently as your best self. So you might be the person that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: just needs to show up, and your version of consistency is once a month to a specific event that you're doing. So that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: is very much something that you can figure out and factor for yourself.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: I am not a huge fan of people telling everybody that you have to show up consistent show up consistent because I'm a manifester, and as a manifester I don't have consistent energy cycles. So if you're someone like this and you get sick to death of that, this is my version of what that actually looks like and how you can stop.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you can, you know, stop overthinking and take that confident action today.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: So here's the thing. Overthinking drains your energy and your confidence every minute that you're spending spiraling in this indecision. This is the time that you could be using to make your impact to have that next conversation, to make that next piece of content. And when we get caught in the fear loop.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: this is like how our brain tricks us into believing that. Oh, I'm going to keep you safe when really you're just self sabotaging. So here's the thing I talk to so many people every week who want to have a podcast who want to write a book.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: who want to grow and scale their business. And there's this little thing that's keeping them stuck. So I want to give you an action step to reframe what I call it's like the failure reframe. Okay? So instead of focusing on
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Tracey Watts Cirino: all your fears and making mistakes, or even mistakes that you've made in the past, instead of focusing on those I want you to just
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Tracey Watts Cirino: be really casual about this and say, Okay, what's the worst thing that can happen? Okay? And I like to say this out loud with like
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Tracey Watts Cirino: funny stories, because it works for me. But you can do this. However you want. So what's the worst thing that can happen, and and walk yourself through the biggest disaster like, oh, I could create this podcast today, and everybody hates it. And it's like the worst thing ever. And people are laughing at me, okay, great? Well, I still well, is it gonna hurt me like, is anyone going to die? No, no, okay. So you just make
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Tracey Watts Cirino: do the best you can with what you've got today, and you do it so. But you could do this with anything.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: If there's a post, you're second guessing there is a a new product you want to create within your business.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: What's the worst thing that could happen? And I promise you, friend, 90% of the time, if not more.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: The worst case
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Tracey Watts Cirino: isn't as bad as you imagine. So have fun with saying, Oh, well, if I put this out there, my whole life could blow up. Okay? Well, maybe it was time for a shake up, or like a redo, a reset of some kind. So walk yourself through this in a funny way I find that saying it out loud, or writing it down on paper. The more ridiculous you are
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Tracey Watts Cirino: like. Laugh at yourself, and this helps you really bust through the fear that sometimes just really keeps us stuck.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: The next thing is that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: success is built on imperfect action, right? Like you don't always know what's going to work, and you don't have to know. Just take one action. And then you might find out like, Oh, well, that didn't work at all. Okay, that's not for me. But at least you're one step on the process right? Like you found out another thing that doesn't work. Go you right like. That's amazing. So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: if you look at every mistake as just the stepping stone to clarity.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you can play with this like some of my clients love just looking at it through the lens of. Okay, I'm just going to do any action today. I'm not going to get really focused on it has to be the most aligned action for what I'm doing next, because I don't know. And if that's where you are, just do anything and have fun with like, oh, well, I don't know. I was thinking I should call this person today. And in our conversation they offered me
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Tracey Watts Cirino: the
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Tracey Watts Cirino: this amazing job that I didn't even know I wanted. And now I just signed the deal. Or maybe you decide, you know what I really don't want to work today. So I'm going to go. Take a walk, and you bump into your most beloved dream client on your walk, and she like pays you right there like here. Here's my credit card. I'd love to hire you so you don't know where things are going to come from. But
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Tracey Watts Cirino: if you're going to sit around moping that you don't know what to do. Then you're not going to get anywhere. So just go do something right because success is truly built on imperfect action. Just take any action. And then, when you look at like, Oh, every mistake as okay, this is a stepping stone
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Tracey Watts Cirino: to the clarity of what actually works.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: You can like have fun with it and say, Oh, well, that was just a fun activity, I discovered I like, and a simple, mindset mindset. Don't say that, you know so fast, but a simple mindset shift
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Tracey Watts Cirino: that I find works really well is just tell yourself progress. I'm making progress today. Progress, not perfection. Say it with me, friend, I am making progress today right? Progress, not perfection. So if you go and try to build something complete.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: instead of taking little aligned actions all the time. You might get to the end and be like, oh, I didn't even want this, anyway, but by taking little actions and kind of seeing what works. It is so much more fun because
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Tracey Watts Cirino: one of the things I wish I knew earlier in my entrepreneurial business leadership journey is that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you need to enjoy the journey, that the journey is really where the juiciness of life is. So if I could time travel and go back and tell my 19 year old self that that would be a game changer. So, friend, take that, remember that it's all about the journey. So the next thing that we're gonna think about is.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you know.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: to shift into action, because sometimes, if you've been stuck in this fight or flight for so long, you're like, how can I shift into action? So I want to give you my favorite decision making hack
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Tracey Watts Cirino: because
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you you can give yourself a rule. Yes, a rule. Right? So here's the thing. So give yourself a rule that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you have this 60 second role. If it won't matter in 6 months.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: then you can decide to do it in 60 seconds or less right? Most of our decisions are not so huge that, oh, my whole life is going to blow up, and I'm afraid to make the wrong decision. And oh, what if this? And oh, what if that? Okay. Great again. Decision making hack. Give yourself
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Tracey Watts Cirino: 60 seconds, friend. If it won't matter in 6 months, you must make a decision in 60 seconds.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Any decision, no pressure. Just make a decision and take the action.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: I love this one. My clients are always
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Tracey Watts Cirino: reporting back like, Oh, my goodness! I can't believe how good that works. So if you have to write it on a post-it and stick it on your computer if you need to write it in lipstick on your mirror. If it won't matter in 6 months
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you've got 60 seconds to decide
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Tracey Watts Cirino: what the decision is. Period so simple, so action creates clarity. You don't get clarity before you take action, but this is where our brain gets us stuck in this fear trap right? It thinks like, Oh, well, let me wait. I'm going to sit here and think
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Tracey Watts Cirino: in this freeze pose about what the next best great action would be. Nope, Nope, that's like we need to shut down our brain. And
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Tracey Watts Cirino: when you really want to get in alignment with this. This is when I love for people to run their human design chart, because your human design chart has so much wisdom for how you best operate and make decisions. So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: go to go to my website, and I'll actually include the show notes so that you can run your free design chart like you can go under about Tracy and look at all the stuff about human design, and you can run your human design chart absolutely for free. There. This will give you a leg up. So if you're like, still in fear, go, run your chart so that you can see how you best make decisions. That's really, really something that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: I love this tool so much to help people. So that's for you. Because the thing is is that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: action creates clarity. You don't get there
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Tracey Watts Cirino: by sitting around thinking right? Thinking is not going to get it at all we need to use like for me. I need to use my heart like, Oh, is that really is?
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Does my heart really want that? My my son is a
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Tracey Watts Cirino: a manifesting generator that has a sacral authority, so he's got to feel it like right. Feel it in his body. When that happens he knows to take action. So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: just pull your chart and figure out what is your best way of making decision. This will help you so much here, and then you just start taking action of any kind. You're just taking an action that's gonna bring you clarity so much faster than sitting around thinking that. Oh, well, I'm not going to move until I know you know what the next action is. The other thing, something that is the 1% rule. So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: if you look at it like this, that you only have to make one small move every day towards your goal. Just one small move. Tiny shifts lead to massive results. So yes, even on the days. You don't feel like it, at least send one email, one text. Let one more person know about what you're doing.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: That's it like, if it's a day. You really don't feel like it. Just do one little thing, I promise you. This builds massive momentum over time. That's it. No pressure. So try that out, friend, for sure.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Another action step I'd love for you to think about is.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: look at it through this lens, the future. You this is like my decision filter. So I want you to imagine
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Tracey Watts Cirino: yourself as the most successful version of yourself. Right? What choice like would you make right now?
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Tracey Watts Cirino: So if you kind of catapult yourself right if you can. If you can do this time bending right, catapult yourself to the future, close your eyes, and imagine yourself as that most aligned, most successful version of yourself, and then ask yourself that question right? What choice would she make? Right? Because sometimes you're saying it about so what choice would she make right now?
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Tracey Watts Cirino: And when you do that, it's so, so many things become so much more crystal clear. So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: from this place of your most aligned, most successful self create a simple decision making framework? Right? So does this align
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Tracey Watts Cirino: with your long-term vision?
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Right? Do I really want this?
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Does this really align? Or is it just a good idea? Right? Because sometimes ideas are just a dime, a dozen. But if it doesn't align, it's okay, to say no.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: and take the next action. Right? Make sure it really aligns with you and take the next action.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: it's okay to say no when it's coming from a line decision. Not making a decision and doing nothing is not is not the solution. That is.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: it's kind of like you're giving away your power. You're not owning your decision. So if you're going to say no, say no, because it's aligned, don't just not do anything and sit in this frozen. The world's running over me moment.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: And just so you're not going to do anything because that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: is a decision, and it's generally not the right one. So I just want to clarify that there.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: another thing that you can do is shift from thinking and saying I should, or should I? Or should I like all that stuff? I always say, like, stop shooting right? Stop shutting all over yourself and just say, Okay, what's the next? Best move
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Tracey Watts Cirino: right? And if you really wanna amplify this, it's like.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: go back to that most successful version of yourself
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Tracey Watts Cirino: in the future and say, what's the next best move? And whatever happens, whatever pops up, go do that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: period.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: So I'm though hopefully you like those actions so far.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: one of the things that really all like it seems to always come up when I'm working with new clients about this, when we're when we're really looking through, how to stop this overthinking so that you can take that confident, aligned action today.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: What comes up is that they don't feel ready or confident.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Yeah. So I want to focus a little bit of time on Bill, like on how to
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Tracey Watts Cirino: how you can sort of build your confidence. So some confidence building strategies. So the 1st thing is, I want you to remember always like, remember this. Always write it down, say it loud, shout it out. Confidence is not something you're born with, so it's not something you're born with. It's something that you build. So if you see other people that appear so confident, I promise they weren't born that way, they didn't come out like woo woo, you know.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: even if you do have some strong leadership qualities.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you still have to build your confidence within. So this secret to confidence comes after action, not before. So take an action, and then you'll be like, Oh, that doesn't work that doesn't work. Oh, this does work. I've okay. Do it again. Perfect. You know you start perfecting the skill, and then you get there. So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: the action is where all the learning happens. So a very quick confidence. Booster is just. Know that if you act as if you already believe in yourself right, so hear me again. Act as if you already believe in yourself
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Tracey Watts Cirino: miraculously. Your brain will catch up, and you, my friend, will absolutely believe in yourself. So those are like my 3 hottest tips for confidence. It's just taking an action every day will build it right.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: I always go back to the story of like babies learning to walk like it wasn't like. Oh, she fell down a hundred times. Oh, I'm gonna cry. She's never gonna walk right just know that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: if you
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Tracey Watts Cirino: start to say oh, I'm confident I got this. I can do this, and you start acting as if you really believe in yourself, and you walk with that extra pep in your step
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Tracey Watts Cirino: your brain will catch up, and just absolutely you believe in yourself. So go make it happen.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: the other. The thing that is most important here, friend, is that this is gonna this is the game changing difference to all of it. I want you to commit to imperfect action.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Set a messy action goal for this week. Right? What is one thing that you're going to do without overthinking like? Don't even think about it. Just do it right. Find an accountability partner. Hire a business coach like myself, or you know, whoever you connect with. But success loves company, surround yourself with people who are successful, right? Because
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Tracey Watts Cirino: the other side of this is that misery? Also loves company.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: We want to hang out with successful people. So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: find an accountability partner, hire a business coach. Take a program, do something that puts you in proximity to successful people and, friend. Give yourself permission to start before you feel ready. Right.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Look back at some of my old content, my old books. It's cringy for me, and they say that if you don't cringe when you look at your 1st ideation of something. Then you waited too long to start, so
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Tracey Watts Cirino: I will celebrate all the cringes with you, because I have so many of them myself. So all right, friend. I hope that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you feel ready and prepared to stop the endless loops of overthinking and start stepping into your power. Remember, I want you to take the action that
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Tracey Watts Cirino: action creates clarity. Right? So you're taking action. Knowing that action creates clarity. Confidence is built daily, brick by brick through action. The faster you move, the faster you win.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: whatever it is that you're going after. So, of course, you know, I would never end this without giving you actual, tangible, actionable steps. So
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Tracey Watts Cirino: I want you to take one bold action. Today, I want you to screenshot this episode, share it on Instagram, and then tag me at Tracy Watserino.
00:22:09.449 --> 00:22:15.069
Tracey Watts Cirino: So I can celebrate your breakthrough moment. Right? I want to celebrate with you.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: and if you're ready to go deeper and
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Tracey Watts Cirino: you want even more help with this. I invite you to book a strategy session with me, and we'll get you unstuck fast until next time. Stay bold, stay beyond amazing. Stay brave and keep taking aligned action.
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Tracey Watts Cirino: Take care I'll see you on the next one.